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The subject of this article is from the Singularity update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 23 August, 2023.The subject of this article is from the Singularity update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 23 August, 2023. The universe is the largest named object in No Man's Sky.Contents1 Summary2 Permutation2.1 Steam2.2 GOG3 Regeneration4 Universe Evolution5 Release history6 ReferencesSummary[ | ]The universe of No Man's Sky comprises 256 unique galaxies. In turn, these are composed of:4.2 billion regions (the limit of a 32 bit integer)each of which contains more than 122 and up to roughly 642 star systemsAll star systems feature from 2-6 planets and moons, and usually a single space station.There are about 18 quintillion possibilities (seeds) for planets (the limit of a 64 bit integer), however not all are currently in use. There are an estimated 2 quadrillion planets accessible in vanilla play.Permutation[ | ]Different game modes play in different...