Crescent Moon and Crescent Venus
Photographer: Egidio Vergani Summary Author: Egidio Vergani The waxing crescent Moon and Venus are shown above before disappearing behind the housetops in the city of Milan, Italy. I captured this photo during the evening of December 4, 2024. Brilliant Venus was shining at a magnitude of -4.2. Note that in early December not only the Moon but also Venus displayed a crescent shape (when seen through binoculars or a small telescope).
Photo Details: Panasonic Fz10002 camera; ISO; 1/1600 seconds exposure; f2.8.
Milan, Italy Coordinates: 45.4685, 9.1824
Related Links:Earthshine and the Conjunction of the Moon and VenusEgidio's Facebook PageConjunction in Astronomy