Get your Passport Application Status
Travel.State.Gov U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE — BUREAU of CONSULAR AFFAIRS Travel.State.Gov > U.S. Passports>Get a Passport Homepage>Get your Passport Application Status Congressional Liaison Special Issuance Agency Legal Resources U.S. Passports International Travel U.S. Visas Intercountry Adoption International Parental Child Abduction Replace or Certify Documents Get a Passport Renew or Replace a Passport Get My Passport Fast Prepare to Apply Passport Help Legal Matters Travel.State.Gov > U.S. Passports>Get a Passport Homepage>Get your Passport Application Status Share this page: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All Filter Countries Apply for your First Adult Passport Apply for a Child Under 16 Apply as a 16 or 17 Year Old Get My Application Status Get a Passport Card Respond to a Letter or Email Enroll in email updates about your application status Enroll in email updates so you know when your application status changes. Use the following information to check your st...