Commercial Truck Axle Weight Limits: Determining the Axle Weight Limit in Your State
When you are loading a commercial semi-truck for delivery, there are a variety of factors to consider. You must pay attention to the fragility of objects, their weight, the shape of containers, the order in which they are to be unloaded, how easily they can be unloaded, how they are balanced within the trailer, etc. Optimizing your loading strategy can significantly increase your delivery efficiency.On top of business improvements, you must also load your truck according to state and federal truck axle weight limits. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in a fine that hurts your company more than it saves to try and ignore them. That’s why Syntelic has created a Load Planning software to automatically develop a load plan with these restrictions in mind.What Are Axle Weight Limits?Axle weight limits are legal requirements set on the amount of cargo that can be loaded on the weight-bearing portion of semi-trucks. The axles are the sections that span the truck perpendicular...