New Music
usually a pretty dry time of year for new stuff but Maribou State's new album dropped the other week and it's pretty good. I've found most of their stuff quite bland and inoffensive but never enough to really get me interested. This time round is fairly similar but with one or 2 stand out tracks that have had me going back for another listen. they're playing moseley funk and soul this year so hoping for a decent live performance come the summer.
pale jay has released a new album and i was really excited for it. a fairly unknown artist in more ways than one as he always wear a balaclava to hide his identity, but his sweet soulful vibes have had me hooked since The Celestial Suite came out during Covid times. This one is a big let down though being as it is an album of purely instrumental versions of his previous album.
maribou state - 3/5 novaks
pale jay - 2/5 novaks
pale jay has released a new album and i was really excited for it. a fairly unknown artist in more ways than one as he always wear a balaclava to hide his identity, but his sweet soulful vibes have had me hooked since The Celestial Suite came out during Covid times. This one is a big let down though being as it is an album of purely instrumental versions of his previous album.
maribou state - 3/5 novaks
pale jay - 2/5 novaks