Students - Resources - Saginaw Valley State University
Welcome! This page provides links to SVSU resources that will enhance your academic success. Student Success Resources Gerstacker Academic Commons Gerstacker Academic Commons- provides academic support and opportunities. Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) Center for Academic Achievement (CAA)Provides tutoring and study advice for students2nd floor Zahnow Library, face-to-face and virtual, 989-964-2221 Math and Physics Resource Center Math and Physics Resource CenterProvides tutoring for math and physics2nd floor Zahnow Library, face-to-face and online, 989-964-4648, Writing Center Writing CenterProvides writing advice and workshops, videos, and handouts on citation and writing, including writing that will be delivered in traditional texts, oral presentations, and visual designs—in fact, ALL writing.2nd floor Zahnow Library, face-to-face and online, Testing Center Testing CenterProvides placement, CLEP, CS150, and other specialized or proctor...