Mercy! Fighter pulls back on 'coffin nail' punch as unconscious opponent tweaks on canvas
Things went terrifyingly poor for Ashton Thompson, but it could’ve been much worse had it not been for opponent Raamon Shannon.
Saturday at Throne MMA in Walker, Minn., Shannon made his amateur debut against Thompson in a flyweight scrap. The fight ended about 44 seconds after it began thanks to a hellacious right hook from Shannon.
Immediately upon impact, the lights were out in Thompson’s mind. Luckily for him, Shannon was fully aware. Mid-throw of a big follow-up shot, Shannon pulled back his punch to avoid further damage to his tweaking opponent.
While the visuals were brutal and damage was clearly sustained, promoter Dean Lamb told MMA Junkie that Thompson is doing well in the days following the knockout. Though he regained consciousness shortly after losing it, Thompson was examined at a local emergency room for precautionary reasons. He was released shortly thereafter.
Check out the brutal knockout courtesy of Throne MMA above.