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‘Powers and abilities far beyond mortal men’: Trump turning out to be ‘greatest environmental hero’ of 21st century


Now President Donald Trump, whose agenda includes “Drill, baby, drill,” approval for exploration and mining, new energy pipelines, and much more, has been described as “the greatest environmental hero” of this century.

It is Marc Morano, the chief of the Climate Depot website for energy and environmental news, who gave him the label.

“This man has powers and abilities far beyond mortal men — Donald Trump,” he explained.

His comments came in an interview on Fox.

He explained, “Who would have thought that the Audubon Society, Greenpeace, and the Sierra Club — would be silent on whale mortality and bird mortalities? Donald Trump is turning out to be the greatest environmental hero of the 21st century. And I don’t mean — about endangered species in terms of offshore wind and whales, but even for those worried about global warming.

“Trump’s a climate champion because he’s bringing in more fossil fuels from the Western world, where we have the highest environmental standards, the highest technological advances, and the cleanest way to make energy. We’re relying less on China, the Middle East, Venezuela, and Russia. This is how it’s done. The climate activists should be embracing Trump.”

He wondered where are the “Volvo-driving, the 1970s save-the-whale liberals? The artist formerly known as the bad Orange man — Donald Trump, is now their champion. It is amazing.”

He cited the failings of the so-called green wind power, as well as solar.

Worldwide they’re only 14% of electricity “despite trillions in subsidies.”

“Donald Trump is just saying the emperor has no clothes when it comes to wind and solar.”