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Should We All Start Virtual Sailing?

Virtual Sailing. Credit: iStock

As the cost of owning a boat, and the thought of facing the perils of the sea add up, Paul ponders the idea of virtual sailing!

We were singing ‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year’ only a few weeks back in the run up to Christmas. But wasn’t, was it? The most wonderful time is now. The days are lengthening, mornings are lighter, and if we are lucky with the general arrangement of the depressions and anticyclones that flop around these islands, there could even be a little warmth in the air to make the birds sing and inspire trees to give birth to green shoots. Now, that’s truly wonderful.

So we hurtle down to our boats for the first time this year. We feel we are coming home to where, in our hearts, we know we belong – on the water. We start to plan the season ahead, sure that this is going to be the best ever.

Then, as we step aboard, comes the reality. We turn the key in the padlock, step below. It feels dank, like an old-fashioned coal cellar, and smells like one too. The fridge has turned into a blossoming petri dish because we forgot to remove that banana as we were hastily laying up – new life forms may be emerging down there. But they will not be inhabiting the forward bunks because they are too wet to support any form of life. We forgot to tightly secure the skylight and a drip of rain every 30 seconds over several months has turned the upholstery into something as sodden and smelly as an old washing-up sponge.

We try to push to the back of our minds that the marina bill for the coming season landed that morning and now stands at a figure that might have bought a half decent house not so long ago. And then there’s the engine servicing, and we all know that a man with a spanner has only got to walk past your boat and that’s a thousand quid down the pan. As we drive home gloom descends and the inevitable question arises, ‘is this all worth it?’

There is not one of us who hasn’t gone through this period of questioning. Is sailing really worth the expense and trouble? When doubts gather and you start to think it’s all getting to much, you remember the lousy season last year with only one sunny day in a three-week cruise, wind that would topple trees, and the family crew who are still not speaking to each other after a teenage daughter trashed the inverter with her hair straighteners, and the son spent 200 quid on his dad’s data sim playing World of Warcraft.

But perhaps there is a cheaper and less pressured way to enjoy our boats, and we must thank 71 year old Frenchman, Bernard Poitau, for pointing us in what might be a new direction for those weary of the costs, the hassle, the discomfort and often the frustration of going to sea. He is sailing in a round-the-world race, virtually. It’s all online, not a breaking wave in sight. No need for oilskins, never a chilly dump of seawater down his neck. As long as he can keep his computer screen going, he is home and dry. There is nothing particularly new about this; virtual sailing has grown in the last few years into a game where storms can be survived with a click of a mouse. What makes Bernard’s approach a little different though, is that instead of confining himself to a back bedroom like a teenage gamer, he is doing it all on his boat, less than 20ft long, sitting high and dry at the bottom of his garden. He has moved in, spends 22 hours a day down below, cooking and feeding himself as if he really was under sail and enjoying the ride. Apart from the challenge he faces from the other 700,000 online competitors, he seems set on what must be the world’s most relaxing circumnavigation ever. Through virtual sailing he is also raising considerable money for charity.

And when he’s crossed the finish line? I suppose he tramps down the garden path and back to his own warm bed. He has blended the best of shore life with all the attractions of being on a boat, and with the uncomfortable bits removed. He doesn’t have to fret about his anchor dragging in a midnight windshift because the worst that can happen is that he might end up in the veg patch; if he feels like it he can take a reef, but it would only be for old times’ sake. But, of course, that might mean going out in a bone-chilling wind and that’s what we are trying to avoid. And, yes, it’s costing him nothing.

Sailing oceans for free. Virtual sounds good, eh? But hang on a minute. Haven’t we just invented caravanning?

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