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The Sims 4 cheats for money, relationships, and more

How do you use The Sims 4 cheats on PC?Whether you’re after that all-important Sims 4 money cheat for some extra Simoleans, we’ve listed heaps of handyshortcutsto make the lives of your virtual family more manageable. In this guide,we’ll let you know all of the Sims 4 cheats, and more importantly, how to use them.Cheats are by no means new to The Sims 4, and EA even actively encourages their use. Still, it can be hard to keep track of every Sims cheat, so we’ve put them all in one handy place. It’s perfect if you’ve never played past entries in one of the best PC games, orare wondering if all those old cheats still work in the latest iteration.All Sims 4 cheatsBelow, we have listed every single cheat for The Sims 4 on PC, including those for Sims 4 expansion packs. Use the links below to jump to the cheats you’re looking for.Money cheatsSatisfaction and needsDeath cheatsSkill cheatsCareer cheatsRelationship cheatsPregnancy cheatsBuilding cheatsTeleport a SimCreate A SimUI cheatsSeasons...