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My mum has cancer and I’m so worried about what I have to do when she dies

Son visiting sick old mother in hospital. Smiling senior patient in conversation with man. Grandson visiting and cheering his happy granny lying in bed at modern hospital ward.

DEAR DEIDRE: MY mum is dying and I’m so worried about what I have to do when she dies.

I’m the only son of a single mum, without family support, so everything will be down to me. I feel anxious and overwhelmed.

Mum is 49 and has terminal cancer. I’m 19.

She has a funeral plan but I have no idea about all the other practical things I’ll have to do when the time comes. 

Who do I tell? Who do I call? What paperwork do I need to fill out? 

I’m a student and none of my friends have had to deal with anything like this, so they can’t help – or understand. 

And I can’t talk to her about it, as she has enough to worry about. 

DEIDRE SAYS: This is such a weight on your young shoulders.

But there are people who can help you. 

Fortunately, the Government website ( has a ‘tell us once’ service, which means you can fill out all the necessary legal forms in one go.

For information on the process contact Citizens Advice (

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