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Disabled girl, 13, with mental age of a toddler abused to death after being forced to live in foul makeshift caged bed


A DISABLED teenager with the mental age of a three-year-old was abused to death after her grandmother made her live in a horrifying makeshift cage.

Police said they found Melanie, 13, covered in bruises at her grandmother Virginia Lujan’s home in Tempe, Arizona.

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Virginia Lujan, 55, was arrested after her 13-year-old granddaughter died[/caption]
The teen had been kept in a makeshift cage at her grandmother’s home in Tempe, Arizona[/caption]
Arizona’s Family (3TV / CBS 5)
The girl was disabled and had the mental age of a three-year-old[/caption]

Lujan, 55, has been accused of abusing her disabled granddaughter by keeping her in a cage covered in dirt and feces.

The teenager had been kept in a bunk bed where the bottom bed had been removed.

That lower section was then covered in bars and surrounded by baby cages.

Melanie’s horrifying condition was revealed to cops when they received a call on Tuesday night about the disabled teenager not breathing.

Her grandmother reportedly told cops that she had fallen down the stairs a few days ago but seemed fine.

Therefore, she reportedly did not give the girl medical aid at the time, according to AZ Family.

The 13-year-old was rushed to hospital on Tuesday night but tragically died on Wednesday morning.

Melanie’s mother, Jami Hodges, 33, claimed she did not know about the fall but said she was temporarily staying with her mom.

Four of Hodges’ five children had been in their grandmother’s care and reportedly were not attending school.

These children, aged between two and 15 were removed from the home, just off of Route 60.

Melanie’s mother and grandmother admitted to keeping the disabled girl in a cage, according to AZ Family.

It is unclear how long the girl had been kept in the cage but police said it could have been months or even years.

The pair were taken into custody on child abuse charges but Hodges was later released for further investigations.

Cops revealed additional charges could be filed against the pair.

“The tragic loss of a child is a profound reminder of our shared responsibility to protect the most vulnerable in our community,” Police Chief Kenneth McCoy said.

“Investigations like this demand meticulous attention to detail and sensitivity to the emotional toll it takes on everyone involved.”

Lujan’s neighbor Ciara Lessard revealed something strange she noticed while living next door.

“The kids just seemed a little different . A little scared, maybe,” Lessard said.

“Lots of kids are loud like mine, these kids were standoff-ish something was going on I can see it now looking back.

“I have a 13-year old special needs child that I lost a few years ago I can’t even imagine. I would never. I hope she rots in prison.”

FOX 10
Police Chief Kenneth McCoy said the tragic incident was being investigated[/caption]
Arizona’s Family (3TV / CBS 5)
Four other children had also lived in the house[/caption]
Arizona’s Family (3TV / CBS 5)
Cops said the home was filthy and the makeshift cage was covered in dirt and feces[/caption]