News in English

Deirdre Tingle & Dave Love Co-opted to the Board of Irish Sailing


Congratulations to club members Deirdre Tingle and Dave Love who have been co-opted onto the board of Irish Sailing. Deidre has been co-opted to the Board as Director and Treasurer and will lead Irish Sailing’s Finance Committee and sit on both the Board and the Governance Committee. David Love has also been co-opted to the Board and will Chair the Racing & Classes Policy Group.
Irish Sailing has welcomed Deirdre and David to the team and look forward to executing their strategy with their oversight and support, for and on behalf of our members.  Directors co-opted to the Irish Sailing Board shall be put forward for re-election at the next AGM (March 2025) along with other nominees for election to the Board.  Irish Sailing shall communicate all nominations for election well in advance of the AGM.
Further information can be found here

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