News in English

Torqeedo Vs ePropulsion - Which is the Best? - The Skipper Reviews

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the gladiatorial arena of electric outboards! Yes, you heard me right; we are stepping into the high-octane world of… water-based propulsion (never thought you’d hear that, did you?). In the blue corner, we have the indomitable Torqeedo, with its Teutonic efficiency and a name that sounds like a Machiavellian supervillain. And in the red corner, we have the scrappy upstart Epropulsion – a name that suggests they started a business before they’d decided what it would do, but boy, have they made a splash (pun absolutely intended). Buckle up, folks, for the wet and wild ride that is: Torqeedo Vs Epropulsion!ePropulsion Spirit 1.0 EVOBehold, the ePropulsion Spirit 1.0 EVO, the darling of Yachting Monthly, and a product that will make you toss your gas-guzzling outboard to the sharks. Now, the specs might seem like gobbledygook at first glance but stick with me here. We’ve got ourselves a motor that weighs about as much as a chubby cat at 10.5kg, and a batt...