Joe Biden Warns Americans: “I’m Not Going to be Out of Sight or Out of Mind”
When asked recently about what to expect from him after his presidency comes to a close, [Joe] Biden smiled and indicated he wouldn’t be going quiet.
“I’m not going to be out of sight or out of mind,” Biden said.
We can only hope this is Biden’s usual baloney. Meanwhile, the most pro-abortion President in our history has 5 more days to inflict as much damage as he can before he leaves the presidency in disgrace. And that includes catastrophic damage to his own party which is (in the idiom of the day) experiencing an existential crisis.
USA Today’s David Paleologos’s story this week tells us “The Democratic Party’s leadership crisis: ‘Don’t know’ and ‘Nobody’ outpoll pols.” The ship not only lacks a rudder, but the party also can’t even figure out what direction it is headed.
“The Democratic Party has a leadership crisis in 2025,” Paleologos writes. “Don’t take my word for it, we polled the question last week. When asked to name the leader of the Democratic Party, nearly half of all registered voters nationally in our Suffolk University/USA TODAY couldn’t name a person or volunteered ‘Nobody.’”
Well, then, who could/should fill this huge leadership void?
Of the 12 people voters named, all are current or former officeholders except mega-Democratic donor George Soros (who was named by many more Republicans than Democrats in a flare of MAGA sarcasm).
But only four of the 12 are both under 60 years of age and will be serving as an elected official in 2025 and beyond: Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, California Governor Gavin Newsom, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman.
It’s no less true just because it has been repeatedly stated: the Democrats’ bench is exceedingly weak.
I could pull out quotes from many other stories I’ve written about what only be described as a trainwreck. But that would be like breaking a butterfly on a wheel.
Blind to their weaknesses, in 2024 Democrats returned to base: let’s throw our full weight behind a campaign of unlimited abortion. That’ll go over well.
Their predicament couldn’t happen to a more deserving party.
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