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What to Eat on the Leaky Gut Diet

The leaky gut diet refers to a way of eating that is intended to heal intestinal hyperpermeability, also known as leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome is not an official medical diagnosis. It's a term used to explain a cluster of symptoms attributed to damage in the intestinal lining that allows larger particles to leak through. This can lead to digestive problems, nutrient deficiencies, autoimmune disorders, and other health issues. Leaky gut can be caused by gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, medications, or chemicals found in processed foods. Fortunately, research shows making dietary changes can help to heal a leaky gut. This article discusses the leaky gut diet. It explains how different foods help to promote gut health and foods to avoid if you have a leaky gut. How a Leaky Gut Might Affect You Intestinal hyperpermeability interferes with digestion and can lead to body-wide inflammation. Under normal circumstances, the intestines absorb water and nutrients from what you eat and pr...