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Royal Cannabis predics the 2025 Season


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Back by poplar demand, here aer the words you Crave. from my Tipped fingres to yuor bran, it is time. It is time for me to make my perdiction of How everythiung will sahek out in the world of Majos Baseball.

America's League

1. America Center

Imagene your in a windowless room. No loved ones left. the world darker than it was the day before and the day before htat. it seems scary on its surfgace but then, then yuou see a glimmer of light. baseballs begin falling from the ceiling. it is a drop tile ceiling so it is cheap and it it is Unsprusinig that it would fail. drop tile ceiling is by far the WORST ceiling you could ever see with yuor two eyes. but then, with basebabll s falling, you see a glove on yiur hand. it's time to catch the ball. that's the Kansas City Royals. like the scenario descrived, it is the best comparison to the Kansas City Royals. they were without an umbrella when the baseballs fell. now they are prepared to Catch Up to the competition! with the helps ofYoung Witt, the Pasq, and Salvo Perez, this team is the deal. real.. Pitching is good from Lungso. Singy is gone but the Royals got the entire subcontinents of India in exchange...... the ROYALS getting INDIA>>.they're looking for spice. let's just call this season the SIlk Road because it FEELS ILLEGAL to have the rights to over A billion people. Jon Hamm

Thsi rbings me to the Detert Tigers. They are young and fearless with SkullBal throwing the ball like a seasoned Craps player throwuing the dice. No dice but pretend the dice are baseballs. that's The tigers in a nutshell. I hear Snorkelson is bad, what if he is just .

Cleveland caught fire like the Cuyahogie riviera last season. With the talented players its

Could the White Sox Be Championship Contender? I asked TalkGOT and they said that they are banning me from the mesasge bosard becuase it was nOT on topic that they like. I asked again and theyu siaid they would not hold the door fro nme as they baned my IP adress. I went to the libary to use a dif computer and i had them Foooled for a while. gained their trust over weeks whiel talking about George Rail Road Maertin. I was acting as a doueble ahgetn. Once I gAined their trust back I decided to casdually bring up BaseBall. "Interesting I thought, "this autmated Ai interfave is very difficult to use!" they took the bait.. User Name JameyLanniesterDidNottyhingWrong mentionewd he was a red Sox fan. I cracked the code. I asked if the Sox could be championship Contender this year. the user said that maybe but the AL east was So Strong. this guy was a Moron, didnt even kown that they were white sox and not red and thaet they did NOT play in that division. I Led him on a bit longer. "Tell me more of what you know" I said. We echanged phone numbers and chatted on the phiione. he has a family and friends but loves Talk GOT..,, turns out this AI theng was way more advanced than I though.t I can definitively say i have a Robot Friend now

Soem may say the twins are hurt a lot,. That's too bad.... For them! I think Biden Buxton will be oen of the greats that could never stay healthy and they will maek a fdcuewmntary about his trials and tribulations that will include b eing h urt but being good, Iwont watch that but it might be good to3


Now on to my rest of predictoins:

the Yankess fans theat grabbed Milky Bots will be fierd on by a group of relief pitchers as per Bob Manfreds order, but the pitchers will miss. they will werar disgusies and be sneaky like the pickpcokets used to be. they are going to end up playeing fr the los angeles anfgels and tey will voerpay them for their services but will spell Fish Mike i n the outfield. TOTAL RECORD FOR ANGLES: 44-103

every team with a Bird mascot (Oreols, Cards, Chicago, Toronto, washington nationals,) will not maek the world series but instead lose more games and not be allowed to participate in rthe hunkametal trophy hunt, this Take willl surprise fans who followe the game, because the Oreols have been so good in recent memory, but it is time for them to take a dive. thsi is proven by emiprialc evidence by Dan Simborwskies stat generating machine, that is a machine that is nto based in fact but it it is based ins psyence. "I do not know what I am doing," symborwkies said in an inteveriew i had with him at a Days Inn hotel outside of grass creek wyoming, "i do not know what umbers are.'"" that is BREAKING ENWS for fojks who use his numbers as Gospel! heed warning

It is unfortunate that i have been critical in the psat. for that I am sorry.

Seattle Marners. what a sotry. from punchy underdogsd to punchy underdogs, their ups and downs as an ORGAnixation has been fraught with heartbreak. will this be they ear they break through?> probably not, as they did not make too many offseason moves to make up the dfiferednce. the AL west has one man that could help them, though: Dating More. a littel birdie told me he is up to no giood. texas changed him, for that, i will wawrd the Rangers ZERO WINS.


- a

- Solomon Jackson

- Fred (you decide)

- armory bucketstein

- Shoe Otoe

i am sneding my thoughts to my good friend Josh Duggens. i hope he is safe and smiling. pease join me in this. it is imperitve

that's all for now, thanks for reading

this brings me to my next point: if it's time for baseball to make changes, i think they should keep the games at 9 innings, with extra innings if the games tied after 9 innings. they will clal those More Innings. wehn people think"extra" they think "too Much!" if you casll it More Innings they thnik tehy are getting more Bang for their Buck, this wiell lead more fans to come to games and be pateint. It is that the fans are impatent why the game sucks. I didnt meant that as they sucks but that their attutdes are lousy. if yuo want to improve morael you have to give them MORE. MOREALE? kendrys morales would agree\!


the sand eggo padres/. that's something to think a bout. all the money dumped into a cuple guys and they cant even win. that's good news for the Kansas City Royals! think about it. spend lots of monie and suck eggs like The Sand Egoos or spend a lil money on High risk. i forgot to talk about Cole Reagans. he said "Mr. Gorbechov, eat this fastball!" i think thats heroic.

That;s All for now, thanks for reading