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New Seasons CEO exits role months after union called for boycott of company


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The leader of a Portland-area grocery chain has left her role just months after striking employees asked customers to boycott the company.

On Wednesday, New Seasons Market confirmed to KOIN 6 that Nancy Lebold has “stepped away” from her position as CEO. A spokesperson revealed that David Kauder, a member of the Executive Leadership Team who has worked for the company for nine years, will take over as Senior Vice President of Retail.

“Supported by deep roots in merchandising, marketing and operations, Kauder will now be responsible for the day-to-day at New Seasons Market, and his expertise will continue to drive business success while strengthening the organization’s bond within its community,” New Seasons said in an email. “This leadership transition is part of a broader strategic shift within New Seasons Market, designed to enhance the company’s long-term growth and success.”

The change in leadership comes amid the grocery chain’s ongoing negotiations with the New Seasons Labor Union. The independent labor organization was originally formed by the Seven Corners store in 2022. More than 1,100 workers from 11 locations in the Portland area have joined the union since then.

NSLU launched its most recent strike last fall, one day ahead of Thanksgiving. Members alleged the strike was in response to New Seasons’ unfair labor practices. According to the union’s bargaining representatives, the company offered staff a $0.25 increase on starting wages and a decline in pay for the higher-earning union employees, among other proposals.

The organization also asked customers to boycott the grocery store in addition to the one-day strike.

In response, the chain said it has approached bargaining in “good faith.” Company leaders stated first-time contracts are especially challenging for new, independent unions without legal representation.

NSLU’s asks include additional paid time off, pay that increases along with grocery prices and a “living wage” of $27.04 per hour.