News in English

My fiancée broke up with me after her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer

Hopeful smiling woman battling with cancer hugging daughter

DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER my fiancée’s mother was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer, I was so supportive when she wanted her to move in with us.

They were so close, so I knew how hard it was for her, and I tried to do everything I could to help. 

However, as her mum’s condition deteriorated, the more distant she became, and eventually she decided to end things with me. 

I begged her to reconsider, but she told me that she simply had no time for me anymore and that it was unfair of her to keep the relationship going any longer. 

Knowing how much she was going through, I decided to move into the spare room in case she needed me. 

It’s been confusing as fell back into bed together a couple of times. 

Now I’m at a loss for what to do. I know deep down she still loves me, but is it better if I just let her go?

DEIDRE SAYS: It’s clear your ex is going through an emotionally challenging and stressful time. 

Grieving someone who’s still alive is incredibly difficult, especially if you’re caring for them.

Have you had that heart-to-heart conversation, and have you told her that you are prepared to wait? If not, you need to have this discussion. 

Hopefully this can help you gain some clarity on the situation.

In the meantime it would be best if you stopped the intimacy and took a step back. If you decide not to rekindle, sleeping with each other will only make your situation harder to deal with.



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