News in English

New Executive Vice President to “drive Geopost’s ambitions in the strategic out-of-home segment”


Bastien Wilshaw has joined the Geopost Executive Committee, as Executive Vice President in charge of Strategy and Out-of-home, reporting to Yves Delmas, Chief Executive Officer.

Bastien Wilshaw joined Geopost in September 2021 as Strategy Director. Since January 2024, he is also in charge of the company’s out-of-home activity, which, under his leadership, continues to develop at an accelerated pace, with dynamic growth in volumes and a network of more than 100,000 Pickup points in Europe (parcel shops and lockers).

“With this solid track record at Geopost, I’m confident that Bastien will successfully contribute in his new position to the work of the Executive Committee, to which he has already been closely associated, commented Yves Delmas, CEO of Geopost. In his new role, he will drive Geopost’s ambitions in the strategic out-of-home segment and support our business units in implementing their local strategy tailored to each market.”

This move illustrates Geopost’s acceleration in this fast-growing segment, and the strengthening of its service offering to accompany the evolution of the needs of its customers and the usages of end-consumers.