News in English

Eviction Hardship Extension: A Lifeline for Renters in Crisis

An eviction hardship extension is a legal provision that temporarily halts eviction proceedings to provide tenants facing financial difficulties or lease violations additional time to resolve their situations and avoid homelessness.It serves as a lifeline for tenants who are grappling with financial difficulties or lease violations, offering them a respite and a chance to regroup. Tenants can potentially avoid an eviction lawsuit and secure some much-needed time and relief by familiarizing themselves with the procedure and maintaining open communication with their landlords. Eviction hardship extensions are primarily seen with residential eviction, but the information below could be applied to commercial eviction.There are many advantages to seeking an eviction hardship extension. It affords tenants the opportunity to:Delay eviction proceedingsProvide them with additional time to settle their financial situation or seek alternative housing optionsHelp tenants avoid the distress associa...