Watch the moment BBC News star is ‘told off’ live on air as she attempts to ‘expose’ hidden tattoo on her hip
BBC News anchor Maryam Moshiri has been at it again with her on air jokes, which saw her ‘told off’ on air.
The BBC News reporter followed up to a segment on tattoos on airline employees, as she then rose out of her seat and said: “Do I have any tattoos? Well let me just show you this…”
As she gestured to her hip, she was then getting a message in her ear from producers to tell her to sit down.
Moshiri continued: “What do you say? Don’t do it? Ok, sorry.”
The joking moment has been shared online, with the presenter adding it to her own X account as she told followers: “I wasn’t really going to … was I @MeeraThavasothy?”
The clip has proved popular with fans adding that they found it funny on the evening news broadcast.
One follower replied: “Bringing some much needed light relief in the news chair there.”
Another shared: “I loved your Tattoo gag last night. You’re the only news presenter who could sucessfully pull that off.”
“Hilarious! I was holding my breath!” said a third.
Another shared: “Such an icon, this is what BBC News channel is about. Big love Maryam.”
Moshiri has become known for her on air gaffes, as in December 2023 her ‘viral’ moment came after camera began rolling and she didn’t realise she was on air as she pulled faces and made a swearing hand gesture to her colleagues.
Apologising on Twitter/X, Maryam told followers: “Hey everyone , yesterday just before the top of the hour I was joking around a bit with the team in the gallery.
“I was pretending to count down as the director was counting me down from 10-0.. including the fingers to show the number.
“So from 10 fingers held up to one.
“When we got to 1 I turned finger around as a joke and did not realise that this would be caught on camera.
“It was a private joke with the team and I’m so sorry it went out on air!”
She added: “It was not my intention for this to happen and I’m sorry if I offended or upset anyone.
“I wasn’t ‘ flipping the bird’ at viewers or even a person really.
“It was a silly joke that was meant for a small number of my mates.”