News in English

Trump The Rain Man: Rain Falls Down 'Drip, Drip, Drip'


Trump held a bonkers press conference earlier today (with more red paint on his face than usual) and continued with his off-the-wall thoughts on many topics, including his weird obsession with water pressure.

Listening to Trump, one has to wonder if he actually has ever turned on a faucet or taken a shower before?

Donald "Rain Man" Trump explained to the press that rain falls from the sky, drip drip drip.

TRUMP: These people are crazy. There's something wrong with them. There's something wrong with them.

They also want to go back, and they have already started that, so when you buy a faucet, no water comes out because they want to preserve it.

Even in areas that have so much water, you don't know what to do.

It's called rain. It comes down from — comes down from heaven.

And they want to do — no water comes out of the shower.

It goes drip, drip, drip.

So what happens?

You're in the shower 10 times as long, you know. No water comes out of the faucet.

You want to wash your hands.

They want to go back to even stronger than what they have right now. I, as you know, I ended that policy.

I get — you can have all the water you want.

Makes no difference. It comes weird, especially in certain areas.

We have so much water, we don't know what to do with it.

Trump is crazy. His entire presser was bonkers.

Rain comes down from the sky, not heaven.

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