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Planned Parenthood Sells Aborted Babies Parts, It Should be Defunded


The U.S. Supreme Court just announced it will hear the case of Kerr v. Planned Parenthood South Atlantic. The issue is whether South Carolina may ban taxpayer funding of abortions.

This movement of the states defunding Planned Parenthood began with our client Sandra Merritt. And Liberty Counsel is preparing our brief for this landmark case that will decide if taxpayers must fund abortions.

In 2015, some of our client Sandra Merritt’s undercover videos were released to the world. The videos revealed Planned Parenthood doctors and executives openly bragging about performing gruesome abortions, gleefully discussing how they ripped arms and legs from the bodies of living children to fuel their equally outrageous human organ trafficking scheme.

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Those horror-inducing videos shocked the world, prompting congressional hearings on whether the disgraced abortion giant should continue to receive taxpayer funding.

As a result of Sandra’s videos, the State of Texas banned any state Medicaid or Medicare dollars from going to Planned Parenthood.

The abortion giant, of course, fought back, dragging Texas through years of litigation to ensure Planned Parenthood would continue reaping taxpayer dollars to fuel its eugenic abortionist ideals.

The federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled that Texas had the right to defund Planned Parenthood, citing the videos that promoted congressional investigations.

In 2022, the Dobbs decision — in which the Supreme Court cited Liberty Counsel’s brief exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of eugenics and racial cleansing — overturned Roe v. Wade, creating an opportunity for states to, once again, ban Planned Parenthood funding.

In South Carolina, state law prohibits the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions. Kerr arose after SC Gov. Henry McMaster signed an executive order in 2018 deeming abortion clinics unqualified to receive state Medicaid funding. South Carolina “has a strong culture and longstanding tradition of protecting and defending the life and liberty of unborn children.”

The order directed state health officials to “deem abortion clinics unqualified” to receive funding for abortion-related services. Shortly thereafter, Planned Parenthood South Atlantic and one of its Medicaid clients challenged the executive order claiming it violated federal law under Medicaid’s “any qualified provider” language.

Just as Planned Parenthood did with Texas, it is fighting to protect its taxpayer-funded cash flow for killing children. The abortion giant even had the temerity to declare killing children as “women’s healthcare.”

But as abortion survivor Melissa Ohden says, “[A]s a woman who survived an abortion, there is something wrong when healthcare, and women’s needs, and women’s empowerment is based on someone’s life ending.”

Abortion IS NOT health care. Nor should an organization built on killing unborn children (and sometimes fully born children) receive taxpayer dollars to continue its dark deeds.

Kerr v. Planned Parenthood is focused on South Carolina’s law banning Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood. However, other states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, and Texas, have also banned state taxpayer funds from going to the abortion giant. The Court’s decision here will not only impact the Palmetto State but also states coast to coast.

This isn’t health care, it’s taxpayer-sanctioned genocide.

Liberty Counsel is fighting to end the horror.

If the Supreme Court rules correctly, we may be able to cut the legs out from Planned Parenthood once and for all. Without government funding, and with more states moving to protect life, Planned Parenthood’s now endless coffers of cash will cease — and children will be all the safer for it.

If you want to know just how powerful Planned Parenthood is, look no further than Sandra Merritt’s case.

We started defending Sandra Merritt in 2015, when Planned Parenthood worked with then-CA Attorney General Kamala Harris to bring outrageous criminal charges against this brave whistleblower. For a decade, Planned Parenthood and its political allies have dragged Sandra through the courts, where she faces up to 10 years in prison and millions of dollars in fines – just for exposing Planned Parenthood’s crimes.

And 10 years after Sandra’s videos exposed the unimaginable crimes Planned Parenthood committed, Planned Parenthood is still flexing its political muscle to make you pay for its evil deeds.

Kerr has the potential to prevent Planned Parenthood from killing children with taxpayer dollars.

LifeNews Note: Mat Staver is the Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action and Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.

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