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Big Fan Of Dry Shampoo? We Have Bad News About How You're Using It


If, like me, you’re a sucker for dry shampoo, you likely have a method for using it that you swear by. For me, it’s spraying my scalp and roots and scrunching my fingers through my hair before bed.

It’s the way that I’ve always done it and the way I thought it should be done because the roots and scalp is where you’re most likely to have oily hair, which dry shampoo aims to tackle. Right?

However, according to one hairstylist and hair expert, Matt Newman, also known as Mattloveshair, this is, uh, exactly what you shouldn’t do...

How to use dry shampoo correctly

In an Instagram reel, Newman says: “One of the biggest mistakes I see people make with dry shampoo is spraying it directly on the scalp.”

Uh oh.

He went on to say “we’re not using dry shampoo in place of shampoo. We don’t want it on our skin. You want to use dry shampoo, on the roots, not on the scalp.”

This is because our scalp should only be ‘cleaned’ with soap and water. “We’re only using dry shampoo to style our hair. It’s a styling product to [make hair] look less greasy.”

Newham demonstrated how he uses dry shampoo, spraying it onto the roots and working it gently through his hair.

User Pelvic_floor_wellness commented saying: “I definitely didn’t know this” while Mariacarlaesq added: “Where have you been all my hair styling life?”

Well, quite.

In the caption, Newman added: “Of course some powder will get on the skin but we don’t want to aim it onto the skin”

Very much noted.

How often should you use dry shampoo?

 If you’re a bit of a fiend and use dry shampoo at every opportunity, you may want to cut down. The hair experts at Batiste say: “Dry shampoo doesn’t replace shampooing your hair, but it can help keep you from over-shampooing.

“Use dry shampoo between washes, 2- 4 days per week, depending on how many times you wash your hair. ”