Many are the nostalgic 2D Sonic fangames, but Sonic Galactic might be the best
The last time I wrote about Sonic fangame, I innocently and absent-mindedly described it as "SNES-style". This led to a social media dog-pile of an intensity typically reserved for major international banks accidentally tweeting rule34, a howl of derision that washed over me again and again while I rolled around on the floor beneath my desk, caterwauling at Graham to please please delete the whole internet, I want to start all over again.
Let's see if we fare better this time round: Sonic Galactic is an absurdly accomplished Sonic fangame from Starteam that, broadly, imagines how the Mega Drive and Genesis platformers might have looked and felt had they been made for the Sega Saturn. There's a new demo, if you fancy trying it for yourself. Please find it here on Perhaps if I'd put the download link higher up the page in the other article, people would have got distracted and refrained from dunking on me so awfully.