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Arkansas Named Most Pro-Life State in America Fifth Year in a Row


On Friday, Americans United for Life (AUL) named Arkansas the most pro-life state in the country for the fifth year in a row.

AUL analyzes state laws related to abortion, euthanasia, suicide, and bioethics, and ranks all 50 states in its annual Life List. AUL writes,

Arkansas, the Most Pro-life State in America

This past legislative session, the pro-life movement faced many challenges including pro-abortion ballot initiatives and legislation targeting pregnancy resource centers. However, several states stood firm in their courageous defense and advocacy for life. For the fifth year in a row, Arkansas is at the top of the Life List as the most pro-life state in America. Continuing in its momentum from last year, Louisiana comes in second after enacting numerous life-affirming laws, including a law that protects unsuspecting pregnant women from the fraudulent provision of chemical abortion drugs. Tennessee secured its spot as the biggest mover on the Life List, advancing from 13th to 6th. The state enacted strong protections against abortion trafficking of minors and allocated funds to pregnancy resource centers. Kentucky also jumped five spots to 9th.

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The group also praised Arkansas and other states for providing public funds to pro-life pregnancy help organizations.

Becoming the most pro-life state in America did not happen overnight. It took many years of hard work from a lot of people.

More than a decade ago Family Council joined with Arkansas Right to Life and others in setting out to make Arkansas the most pro-life state in America. By working together, we have done that. Keeping Arkansas the most pro-life state will take constant effort.

As a pro-life leader, Arkansas has done important work, but we can’t stop. There is more pro-life work to do. We look forward to continuing that work when the Arkansas Legislature convenes next week.

LifeNews Note: Jerry Cox is the president of the Arkansas Family Council.

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