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How to Read People and Decode 7 Body Language Cues

This article is part of our body language guide. Click here for more. Reading Body Language 101Why Body Language is ImportantExamples and MeaningsHow to Read PeopleBody Language at WorkPresentation CuesInterview CuesWorkplace CuesBusiness CuesBody Language of EmotionsAggressive CuesConfident CuesCondescending CuesHidden OpportunitiesVocal CuesPresidential CuesDog CuesResting Bitch FaceAdvertising CuesAI and Body LanguageBody Language for RapportMirroringProxemicsHead BehaviorHead CuesFacial MicroexpressionsEye CuesNose CuesMouth CuesEar CuesRead The TorsoArms CuesTorso CuesShoulder CuesNeck CuesHand GesturesLower Body LanguageHip CuesLeg CuesFeet CuesFlirting Body LanguageMale CuesFemale CuesRules of AttractionHow to FlirtDo you know how to read people and decode body language? It is one of the most essential people skills.When you think about reading people, you need to understand how to group each body language cue into one of two buckets: a micropositive or a micronegative.A micropo...