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Prosecutorial District 7 - North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys

Choose Your Section About Your AttorneyThe District Attorney for the Seventh Prosecutorial District is Kim Scott Thank you for visiting the website of the District Attorneys’ Office in the 7th Prosecutorial District, which encompasses all of Bertie, Halifax, Hertford, and Northampton Counties in North Carolina. It is the duty of this office to represent the State with integrity and professionalism while protecting victims and their rights, in the pursuit of justice.The goal of this site is to make the information and services provided by the District Attorneys’ Office and the criminal justice system available to the public. Please take the time to search each webpage and explore all of the information we have provided you. Should you have any questions, we have also included details on how you may contact us.“District Attorney” commonly refers to an attorney for the community elected by the people in his/her district to represent the interests of the general public, including crime vic...