News in English

If you can't sign on or register for a leisure sail .. . - by: Mark Elkington


I have just finished the "end-of-year" tidy up on the raceManager data and archiving the data for posterity.

One of the jobs is sorting out duplicate / obsolete sailor records for the racing and leisure sailing systems. For the racers I have 'retired' all competitor records that have not been used in the last two years - so if you are returning to race after a long layoff you may need to register again. For leisure sailors we are seeing lots of duplicate registrations for some boats - you don't need to create a new registration if you are sailing a boat with different skipper/crew - just add skipper and crews name for today's sail. This applies particularly to members taking out club owned boats for leisure sailing - you do not need to register it each time.  I have removed a few boats that I believe have left the club.

For the record  - during 2024 .. .

On the DINGHY RACING side - 251 different boats entered a race; there were 1457 individual appearances across 53 races (lots of cancelled races this year) - giving an average of 28.5 boats per race.  Top turnout was 78 boats for the early Steamer, and 50 boats for the last race we sailed in 2024.

On the LEISURE SAILING  side we had 153 different boats launched on 531 'cruises' - with one boat being launched for 37 cruises during the year.

 .. . and while I have your attention

Paul Kelley recent posted about my plan to step away from some of the racemanager related administrative tasks in the coming months. 2025 will be the 23rd year that I have taken responsibilty for the race results - with Michael Bagge's very welcome help to deal with results queries for at least the last 10 years. In that time we have replaced the laborious paper based system - with series results only appearing after the series is complete, with a more automated system that usually has the latest race and series results on the website before the OOD leaves the racebox. All of the laborious jobs have been replaced by relatively easy to run software (PY returns, draft programme, etc. etc.) and all can be done from home for anyone who has a broadband connection and a PC with a browser. 23 years is a long enough sentence for anyone - and so I want to pass on the routine annual tasks to a group of other people each doing a few hours a year. I'm still mostly going to be around to answer questions and sort out any issues that may arise.  We have had a couple of people step forward - thank you - but there are still other jobs to be filled.  If no one volunteers then within a year or so we are likely to be back to running a paper based system.