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Goat Milk Ice Cream Recipe

A goat milk ice cream recipe is a good way to make use of any extra goat milk you may have.Better yet, if you have lactose intolerance issues, goat milk ice cream is a great way to have your ice cream and eat it too.Goat Milk vs Cow MilkWhile both goat milk and cow milk taste about the same, fresh goat milk can be a bit sweeter than cow’s milk. Goat milk is also whiter than cow’s milk because goats do a better job of converting the carotene they consume into vitamin A. The big difference between goat milk and cow milk is in the size of fat globules. Fat globules in goat milk are much smaller than the fat globules found in cow milk. That’s why the cream doesn’t rise to the top in goat’s milk the way it does with cow’s milk.Also, goat’s milk doesn’t have agglutinin. This chemical enables fat globules to join together and rise. Goat’s milk is naturally homogenized. The fat molecules in goat milk are smaller and much easier for humans to digest than in cow's milk. The fat,or cream, doesn't...