News in English

Salty Honey Roasted Hazelnut Ice Cream — Probably This

Hazelnuts are totally the shit and I'm somehow just realizing it (?!) Hazelnuts that have been roasted in copious amount of butter +salt +honey are even more so the shit. I actually have to credit Matt for the whole salted-honey-roasted part of this. This past weekend (while we were making tons of food for Easter) he was roasting pecans for a salad while I was chopping hazelnuts for brownies that ended up being a flop. He was like "lol I'm going to roast the hazelnuts" and I was like "OK" and then he did but first he covered them in a generous amount of honey, butter, and sea salt and it actually made me go "mmmmMMMmm" like Paula Dean does every time she bites into something on camera.I knowhoney roasted nuts are not aground breaking conceptbut I haven't ever made them myself and I've definitely never had honey roasted hazelnutsso let me just enjoythis moment of bliss, please. I made the nuts into anice cream because duh but I made the ice cream dairy-free because I'm on some joke of a...