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Common Gastrointestinal Disorder Linked to Erectile Dysfunction


A recent study conducted on medical students by Peruvian researchers found that there may be a link between a chronic gastrointestinal disorder and erectile dysfunction (ED).

The study, published in May 2024 in the Oxford Academic journal Sexual Medicine, surveyed 133 medical students who were 22 years old on average. The results found that those who suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) were 108 percent more likely to also suffer from ED. Erectile dysfunction can occur due to physical problems, past trauma, or substance abuse; it can also be triggered by high levels of stress, such as that experienced by medical students.

Anxiety greatly reduces the body’s production of sexual hormones, namely testosterone, and can interrupt coordination between the nerves and blood vessels which work together to achieve an erection.

The results also found that those who suffer from IBS experience a lesser quality of life than those who do not, by having to deal with embarrassing and uncomfortable symptoms such as uncontrollable gas and bloating. These symptoms can affect a person’s physical and mental health, which further contributes to ED.

The study found that some forms of IBS more readily cause ED than other types of the disease. Those who suffered from Crohn’s disease were found to have an increased risk of ED, while those who experienced ulcerative colitis did not have an accelerated risk. The findings come on the heels of another study published in Nature in early 2024 that likewise linked IBS to ED. Somewhere between 2.4 and 3.1 million Americans suffer from IBS, while 30 million American men suffer from ED.