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Elon Musk and Rape Gangs


Is it too much to ask for a little gratitude? America, a declining superpower thanks to the indifferent and self-serving ministrations of a corpulent elite, is still great. Not as great as she was. Not as great as she can be again, but great enough that everyone who wants to be anything wants to come here to make something of themselves. Great enough that even people like Elon Musk want to come here. Not Canada. Not rape-gang Britain. Not energy-depleted Europe. Not commie China. Not caste-class India. The one and only United States of America.

Last week, I spoke about how America is a fertile soil that geniuses from around the world come to. They grow, they get rich, and eventually, the United States military-industrial complex commandeers the technology for strategic purposes and the simple billionaires become hundreds of billionaires. American taxpayers, you know, those retarded people who buy electric vehicles, subscribe to Starlink, and use X, make one very, very, very rich. (READ MORE: Elon Musk v. MAGA: H-1B Visas, Foreign Workers, Big Tech, and America First)

Again, I ask, is it too much to expect one of those billionaires to show a smidgeon of gratitude toward those retards?

After I wrote my piece, I saw a video in which a comedian I had never heard of, Sam Hyde, made the same points but with humor:

America is unique. It is special. It is the shining city on the hill, or was, until our elites, both Left and Right, squandered her vitality and depleted her strength. Even so, everyone, especially terrorists, is eager to come to America and is lining up to do so.

An Interlude About Rape Gangs in Britain

Rape gangs, something that’s been going on in Britain pretty much unmolested since the early 2000s, are suddenly in the news. Elon needed a diversion. Trump needed a diversion. It had to be something so big, scary, and offensive that it would take the spotlight off of Americans who’d just been offended by Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk’s oopsie-daisy unintended truth reveal. Not even weirdly similar terrorist attacks (that the FBI assures us are unrelated) could change the narrative. But, thanks to Elon’s laser focus on the issue, British rape gangs have done just that. He even posted pro-Tommy Robinson content that has all the right weak British people angry.

Britain has freely roaming rape gangs because they don’t have free speech (and also because they’re moral cowards). In Britain, free speech doesn’t exist. There are a whole host of laws that protect the feelings and image of the monarchy. There are speech laws based on hurting feelings. The society is classist to its very bones. The news media is mostly state-sponsored.

All the former glory of many European countries diminished in direct proportion to the immigration allowed from the third world. Being an ever-so-polite and passive people, the Brits kept a stiff upper lip, took their daughters’ rapes with quiet equanimity, and went to the pub to wash down their shame. This might be an oversimplification. The elites in Britain, like the elites in America, destroyed their own country’s culture for reasons that don’t make sense at all except for this one: foreign populations are easier to control, natural-born populations have expectations of their government, and the foreign-born can be used to control them.

America is on its way to doing the same thing. American elites like cheap labor, yes. They like mammon more than their own citizens. They view people as widgets and interchangeable parts to serve their purpose. It’s psychopathic, heartless, and inhumane. They don’t care. They care about power, control, and their own wealth creation, or in the case of the government employees, grift. In Biden’s case, he’s probably enriched his family to sell out America to the Chinese and cartels running Mexico.

Elites in America, enter Musk and Ramaswamy, don’t think much of their fellow Americans. Lazy retards was it?

This attitude, this dehumanization, must exist in order to do the sorts of things they’ve done — like importing cheap foreign labor by the thousands, destroying the culture, stealing jobs from Americans, and then showing utter contempt for the people upset that their livelihoods and lifestyle and all the things that mean being American are destroyed.

Back to America and Free Speech

There’s a reason that America’s Founders created a different set of laws in America. The corruption in Britain didn’t begin yesterday. Some of it was baked into the cake with their speech code. A reminder:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Why are all these rights listed in the First Amendment? Because they’re critical. Let’s break down how the First Amendment has been whittled away and resulted in an empowered state.

The state created the Woke Religion, its central tenet being Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This insanity pervades every government and private sector edifice, impairs free speech, and has ever-changing sacraments to keep everyone off balance. There is no redemption or transcendence. There’s only struggle, division, and cultural chaos.

Because the government and private sector are controlled by this religion, any speech against it is strictly forbidden. Any criticism is stopped by one outcry, “RACISM!” Using the Christian’s inherent regard for people as individuals against them, an accusation of racism stifles all critiques, all nuanced argument, and all searches for meaningful solutions. This tactic was ineffectively used by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to stifle dissent against their embrace of U.S. cheap labor policies dressed up in HB1 visas. To enforce speech codes, Elon Musk uses his X algorithm to censor, suppress, or ban those who disagree with him. So he prohibits free speech against his personal bugaboos, and they nicely line up with the rest of elite speech codes.

The FBI surveilled people in church. They arrested protestors outside of abortion clinics for praying. And harassed people peacefully assembling or jailed them. The people in question were violating the state religion, disagreeing in one of the chief sacraments, aka abortion, and the state punished them.

The MAGA movement hates all of these things and recognized what is happening. America is slipping away, and they want to reestablish the foundation and shore it up. It is not a far slip from losing free speech to having rape gangs. In America, it’s Hamas-sponsored intifada on the streets of our cities. Tribal immigrants using the free-speech codes of America to maraud and be vicious racists while honest Americans are arrested for praying outside abortion clinics.

See how this works? See how insidious this is? And see how the elites, including Musk and Ramaswamy, create the problem with their worldview and policies?

America First

America has a culture. It’s Christian. It’s rooted in the rule of law and fairness. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, and assembly is essential to our liberty. American culture is rooted in rugged individualism coupled with charitable community care. Americans are responsible, hard-working, forgiving people. They’re kind and generous. These “retards” need to be treated with respect — or should they just shut up and accept the rape gangs, too?

Remember the old saying, “The solution to bad speech is more speech”? That needs to be brought back. Control the bots, sure, but let real people speak even if they say offensive things. That’s American. Or, it used to be.

The American people are counting on Trump to destroy the state-sponsored religion. They’re counting on him to restore equality under the law. They’re counting on him to take the tyrants head-on and take the boot off the necks of the American people. The speech codes, excessive regulations, inflation, and uneven application of the law are harming America and creating division and distrust.

There’s a strange self-loathing that the elites in America specifically, and the West generally, have for their own countries. It’s explained thusly: Just as Karl Marx was a worthless trust-fund kid and felt ashamed at his unworthy largess, many of the elites in America know that they’re unworthy of the wealth they enjoy. They haven’t earned it. Their internal self-loathing is painted on their environment around them. They have no real problems, so they seek problems to solve to give their own hollow lives meaning. They don’t believe in God — there is no room in their self-view for God. Their wealth and power give them an outsized ability to force those in their orbit to conform to their worldview. They feel omnipotent until someone challenges them. Then, publicly embarrassed and enraged, they lash out. These folks are dangerous, indeed. They believe they are smarter than everyone else and deserve to force others to do their bidding.

The brilliance of one billionaire does not outweigh the beauty of one truly free man. Both are the same before God. Both deserve respect. Perhaps the free man hasn’t made a satellite, but then Elon Musk hasn’t either. With a team of free men and women, he’s made many amazing things. He did it in a free country with free people. Teams of engineers create his visions and make them a reality. He is an amazing CEO. The stories of his problem-solving are legendary. He’s astonishingly intelligent. This is all true. But he is one free man working with other free men and women.

Americans deserve respect and gratitude for what they’ve created. They have a right to a preserved culture. Without that culture, there are no Elon Musks. Without the culture, America is just another third-world country divided over tribal hatreds brought by psychopathic self-serving elites and unassimilated hordes.

MORE from Melissa Mackenzie:

Elon Musk v. MAGA: H-1B Visas, Foreign Workers, Big Tech, and America First

Matt Gaetz: Ditching Justice in Service to Petty Hatreds

The Spectacle Ep. 177: Mainstream Media: The Government’s Puppet

The post Elon Musk and Rape Gangs appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.