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Why We Cannot Trust the FBI


By Larry Johnson at

(Credit: Alcides Antunes)

It gives me no joy to write this, but it must be said — the FBI is a broken law enforcement institution and should be dismantled. I believe the same about the CIA, but that’s a topic for another day.

Based on the FBI’s conduct over the last eight years, I find no reason to trust anything that FBI officials say with respect to the recent attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. Yes, I think both acts qualify as terrorism, but I have little confidence that we are getting, or will get, the true story.

I worked closely with the FBI during my time in the Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism at the Department of State (1989 -1993).

During my first months on the job, I was one of two State officers writing country clearance cables regarding the investigation of the bombing of Pan Am 103, i.e., a message to one of our embassies requesting permission for FBI agents to conduct an investigation in a particular country.

In addition, I worked on exercises and real-world missions with members of the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team who served as members of the Foreign Emergency Support Team (aka FEST).

I also had the privilege of coordinating with Floyd Clarke, who was the Deputy Director of the FBI, on implementing an advertising campaign for the Terrorism Rewards Program. The FBI agents I worked with were honorable, professional men. They were apolitical.

That is not the case today. The leadership of the FBI has become a gang of partisan, political hacks. What is the evidence?

Let’s start with the Russiagate investigation, which was the first big warning sign for me. The FBI, working with the CIA and the United Kingdom’s MI-6, carried out a deliberate operation to sabotage the campaign and subsequent Presidency of Donald Trump.

The FBI knowingly lied on multiple FISA warrants and suffered no consequences.

Even after Trump’s surprising victory, the FBI — conspiring with the Department of Justice — manufactured a crime to destroy Trump’s National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn.

Mike committed no crime, but was saddled with criminal charges that bankrupted him financially and defamed his reputation.

Then there was the Hunter Biden laptop. My friend, JP Mac Isaac, was the unfortunate soul who received two damaged computers from Hunter Biden.

Despite repeated attempts to contact Hunter and have him retrieve his property, JP became the rightful owner of the hard drives — by virtue of abandonment — per the work agreement that Hunter signed.

JP and his dad, Steve, made repeated attempts to contact the FBI to turn over the hard drives. It was only in December 2017 that the FBI finally showed up and took possession.

But, instead of conducting an investigation of the ample evidence of criminal activity present on the hard drive, the FBI buried it.

The FBI turned into an American version of the Stasi in the events leading up to and surrounding January 6. There was a legion of FBI informants in the crowd who had one mission — create a riot and a predicate crime for arresting Trump supporters.

The subsequent persecution and prosecution of Trump supporters conjured up images of political purges associated with the reign of Joseph Stalin. The FBI, in my opinion, became adept at creating crimes rather than solving them.

Over the past two years, several FBI whistleblowers came forward to raise the alarm about the criminal misconduct of their leaders but, instead of being celebrated, they faced retaliation, including losing their jobs.

All of my retired FBI buddies, guys and one gal (Coleen Rowley), are sickened by what has become of an organization they were once proud to be a part of. I think the downward slide started with Louis Freeh and the decline accelerated as the FBI partisan political outfit under Robert Mueller and Jim Comey.

I did my own video today discussing the latest news regarding the attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas.

Maybe these were nothing more than isolated incidents.

But I cannot rule out the possibility that these two attacks are part of something darker — a threat to our Republic hatched by insiders. Senator John Kennedy promises there will be an accounting. I hope he is right.

The post Why We Cannot Trust the FBI appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.