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'Outlander' Recap 7.15: Claire’s Shot & Jamie Resigns as Her Life Hangs in the Balance


Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers for Outlander Season 7, Episode 15, “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.”

Every now and then, Outlander has an episode that is so good, that it reminds you why this show is so beloved. And this is that episode. Caitríona Balfe, Sam Heughan, and every single actor in this episode deliver such strong performances, that you will forget this is not real. Remember when Jamie said he couldn’t abandon 300 men for the sake of one, even if it’s to save his son. Well, this episode proves that when it comes to Claire, Jamie would burn down the entire world to save her. Heughan shines in a way in this episode that will make your jaw drop. He is feral, desperate, guttural, visceral, as he shows why, ultimately, Jamie Fraser will give up everything for Claire, including his own life. Balfe shows why even when her character is semi-conscious, she still commands every scene. This is the penultimate episode of season 7b, in the penultimate season. Double penultimation. Not a word, but now it is. There is only one more episode left for this season. And then we wait for the final season, which is 10 episodes until the end of Outlander. Insert ugly crying here.

Titled after Diana Gabaldon’s eighth book, “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood”, this episode of Outlander is at its core, one of the strongest since season one. It pulls together the threads of what makes this show so good, and reminds people of every single moment that brought these characters here, and showcases, once again, why Balfe and Heughan are so damn good, and impossible to take your eyes off of.

Here are the highlights of this “bloody” brilliant episode: Claire schools a sexist man in a way only she can, Jamie writes an office memo that is very memorable, Denny and Rachel prove, once again, they are the best new characters on the show, Buck shows how much he loves his family, Roger writes a letter, and Brianna takes the kids through time.

Buckle in, babies.

Claire Remembers…

The opening flashback montage with Claire’s voiceover for this episode is quite simply, the best. It opens on the very first shot of Outlander, 1945 war nurse Claire covered in blood. “Even people who go to heaven, don’t want to die to get there. A life can be snatched away,” Claire says. Then it kicks off to the show’s most memorable and traumatic moments, Jamie at Culloden, Jamie fighting Blackjack Randall as Claire watches miscarrying their first child, Colum’s death, Angus’s death, Blackjack Randall dying, and Stephen Bonnet slitting a man’s throat in front of Claire – okay this is Claire’s super traumatic death montage. What is this episode going to do to us?

Then a flash of Claire and Jamie killing Dougal. That was a great scene, shout out to season 2 episode 13, “Dragonfly in Amber.” Let’s stop and re-watch that whole scene. It’s perfect. Jamie and Claire killing their Uncle matchmaker.

Then a flash to Murtagh dying in Jamie’s arm. “War is inevitable and death is too,” Claire says. Um, what. Who is dying in this episode? It better not be Claire. Why is she death montaging us! Last time that happened, Jamie was presumed dead.

The opening credits scene shows a painting, then pulls out to reveal a man and child looking at it. Frank and little Brianna! Is Tobias Menzies back? Don’t toy with our achy breaky Frank hearts. (Okay, not Frank as much as Menzies. Our Menzies hearts).

Oh my god! The painting that young Brianna and Frank are looking at, look closely! Claire is on the bottom left and Jamie is on the right. It zooms out to reveal them, so if you blink, you’ll miss it! Shudders. Amazing. I gasped. Shook. This is by far the best credits opening scene in the show’s entire history. Also, they should sell that painting. People would buy it.

That opening montage will give you chills. It shows just how many amazing moments this show has had in 10 years. In a minute and half, you will revisit some of the most powerful scenes in the show, and if you’re not crying watching this, do you even have a heart?

Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe

Jamie and Claire

In Jamie and Claire’s tent on the battlefield, Claire wakes to see Jamie isn’t sleeping. He says he can’t sleep so close to battle. One way to fix this Jamie is to not battle so much. Claire tells him he needs his rest too. He kisses her hand and says, “The only time I’m without pain is in your bed, when I lay in your arms, my wounds are healed, scars forgotten.” Jamie trying to get laid before war, I respect it. He kisses her hand and Claire replies, “Mine too.” Then Jamie says, “I’ve been thinking of my mother…” Odd segue bro, but I’m going with you on this story.

Jamie tells Claire he remembers seeing his mother in her coffin and someone had braided her hair, but his father wouldn’t have it. He wanted his last sight of her as she was to him. His dad unbraided her hair. Claire asks him, “You saw all this when you were little?” Jamie tells Claire he looked at her in her coffin, and it was her face, but she was gone, he says, as he touches Claire’s hair, “But her hair it was still alive.” Awww. Actually, Jamie, hair is just dead cells. But swoon man, this is so sweet. Then Jamie says he lifted his brother who she died giving birth to, who also died, so he was snug against her under her red locks.

Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe

Jamie looks at Claire’s hair and says, “She had but not one white hair.” Claire asks, “She was 38, wasn’t she? I’ve had the richness of all those years and more.” Jamie then drops this great quote: “To see those years touch you gives me joy, for it means you live.” Then they kiss and do their signature head touch. Balfe chatted about this recently with us.

Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe

Remember on Jamie and Claire’s wedding night when he gave her his mother’s pearls? And he said that they’re the most important thing to him, and then said, “As are you Claire.” And the man had basically just met her. This story about his mother is very similar to that moment. Simple and intimate, and says so much about how inextricably linked these two are. To make talking about your mother to your wife hot, who knew. Jamie Fraser, that’s who.

Jamie and Claire lie down, and he says not to worry he just wants to lie there keep her safe and watch her sleep. Take note fellas, only Jamie Fraser can say this to his wife without looking like a creep.

But why all the death talk, you hot grandparents who war far too much.

Jamie and Claire’s Goodbye

Claire tells Jamie she won’t say goodbye or good luck, and he says no need, “I love you will do.” This is very similar to their goodbye in season 5. When Murtagh got shot. When Jamie and Claire say, “I love you,” something bad is always about to happen.

Jamie says his last words with William were in anger, he asks Claire, “What if he never knows I love him.” Claire replies, “I love you,” then they kiss goodbye. She has tears in her eyes, he walks away, then turns around and walks back to her, “It willna be today Sassenach.” “Promise me,” she whispers. “I promise,” he says then kisses her hand. Guys, please just gallop away on your horse together and get away from all of this. Easy, simple solution. No muss, no fuss, no tears, no war.

Then there is a flashback, which because of the sepia lighting, wasn’t sure if this was in the future at first because Claire’s hair looks a lot whiter. But Claire thinks back to her conversation with Jamie perhaps the night before. They’re alone by the fire, she tells Jamie, “Something feels different this time.” And Jamie says, “You canna mean death.” Too much death talk. Claire just looks at Jamie. Then back to the present, she watches him gallop off.

Caitríona Balfe and Sam Heughan

Roger and Bucky truth telling by the river

Buck is waxing poetic about their family all being travelers, so he asks Roger, “Do you think my father was one?!” Roger looks like, “Oh crap.” Roger’s inside voice can’t be heard but that’s what it said. Roger explains to Buck his mother was a time traveler or rather is. He tells Buck that Geilles Duncan is his mother. And Buck is like Buck off! Real mad. Then he yells at Roger for keeping the truth from him and making him look like a fool. Roger tells him Dougal is his dad. Good thing he didn’t tell Buck, “And they were probably about to conceive you right after we saw them!” Aww, fam stories, so cute.

Roger tells Buck his mother-in-law knew them. He does not mention that Claire also helped murder him, but that’s probably better left unsaid as Buck is taking all this insane news as one would expect. Badly. Roger explains he didn’t tell him because he did not want them messing with time and possibly not existing. Hello, Roger, you just did that with your own personal dad-a-thon. Buck points out the same thing! He says, “Didn’t we risk that with your father?” Then Buck says, “You got to talk to your dad, I never got that chance.” I feel like Dougal and Buck would really have gotten along well. Compared beard maintenance and what not.

Buck says he’s going to go talk to his parents. Meet the Parents! How fun. Roger disagrees. Roger apologizes to Buck and says he still needs his help to find Jemmy.

Diarmaid Murtagh and Richard Rankin

Claire, Denny and some Lame Doctor Man

Claire and Denny talk to the war doctor in charge, and Claire tells him she can help as a surgeon. Denny, Claire’s number one fan, says, “She’s the best surgeon I’ve worked with!” But Dr. Misogyny is like, “Nope, she’s a woman.” Just wait sir, you’ll be eating your words. Claire reminds lame doctor that she worked at the Battle of Saratoga – not to mention WWII, Alamance, name a battle, she’s worked it – and he says, “Not here and not on my watch.” Please let this doctor go away. Far, far away. Claire rolls her eyes. “I will not put lives as stake in the hands of a cunning woman,” he tells her. Laugh. Out. Loud. Good. Sir. Now I’m rolling my eyes at him. Denny says, “Claire Fraser is the most skillful surgeon I’ve seen operate, it does thy patients great harm by not allowing her to assist us.” Claire is looking at this dum dum Doc as if she has no patience for men, and that is honestly a mood. Then the dum dum Doc says that Denny can assist Claire with herbs. Um. “Excuse me,” Claire says. She tells him Denny is a surgeon for the Continental Army. Please let Claire and Denny open a practice together once this little war shmwar is done. Claire tells Denny to stay there, and she takes Rachel and says she’ll do triage outside.

That doctor is now on my list. My list. I’m not even learning his name because I detest him so much. Claire looks out onto the battlefield, sees gunfire, and flashes back to what she said to Jamie, “Something feels different this time.” Jamie says, “You canna mean death?” Claire tells him, “It’s a fear of what comes after.” And then she says their lives won’t even matter. Claire is super down, girl, no. Jamie is more hopeful and says, “Death will matter.” Okay you cute little war mongers, chin up. And stop hinting at death you are giving me true anxiety.

Caitríona Balfe and Sam Heughan

When Claire Fraser is scared, we all are. Rachel and Claire set up and Claire gives Rachel directions. I love these two together too. Rachel will be the nurse in their new family practice. Rachel then thanks Claire for her courage, and Claire says, “I’m not afraid of death Rachel, what scares me is that Jamie will go beyond the call of duty, he may lose his life because of it.” Again, with the death talk! But you know who else does that exact same thing, Jamie’s doctor wife. You, Claire! The reason Jamie and Claire are always so dramatic when they say goodbye is 1) because they insist on fighting in wars and 2) they both know the other will give up their lives for other people, and hence chance of their death is high.

Rachel says, “And you would be stabbed through the heart and still be alive.” Rachel says she thinks Ian could die because of her principles. Claire tells Rachel, “We’re just doing what must be done.”

Caitríona Balfe and Izzy Meikle-Small

Lord John and Ian: To Save a Son

Operation Save Willy is in action. Ian and John arrive at the enemy camp and an evil mustache twirling soldier who captured William greets them. Ian says that Captain Richardson wants the English soldier to be turned over to them. The soldier says he needs payment from Richardson. They bring out William who has a bag on his head. Seems like supper did not go well. Lord John sees William, and William sees him. And I’m a little teary. Ian says, “Unchain him.” The mustache villain says, “I have to find the key,” but then goes full on evil, “Let the bastard parish!” Another soldier goes to shoot William in the head, but Lord John thinks fast, screams, “No,” and shoots even faster! He shoots the soldier, then Ian throws his hatchet to disarm the other soldier. Young Ian in fight mode is my favorite. This scene is the action we need!

Lord John gets the key and uncuffs William and says, “My dear boy, thank goodness.” Love these two. Ian holds mustachey at knife point then lets him go saying there has been enough bloodshed today, I give you your life!” And evil man says, “You’ll regret that one day.” I regret already, Ian, please murder him, and shave his mustache before you do it just to mess with him a bit.

Ian is doing this because of Rachel. Lord John tells William we have things to talk about. Um yeah you do, but he says the fact that William is alive is all that counts. William tells him he’s happy to see him. And then asks about his eye. Lord John replies, “It’s a tale for another time!” Please tell him this tale on camera. “So… I slept with your other dad’s wife who’s also your twice stepmom, and then he punched my eye into eye purgatory and now I’m a pirate.” That’s just how I would explain it to William. Then I’d reassure him all 3 of his hot parents many of whom have had carnal knowledge of each other, love him equally.

Lord John explains Captain Richardson was using him as a pawn because of who their family is. LJ thanks Ian for everything and tells him to return to his bride. Ian bids William well and calls him “cousin” and William says thank you. Ian looks off into the distance with murder in his eyes. Yes, go follow that evil mustache man. Take the Tom out of his Selleck and slice him. Thank you.

Lord John and Ian’s little action duo is what we needed. Ian gets to shine in a way that John Bell does best. It’s in these moments you really see Ian is Jamie’s nephew, and Jenny’s son. Well done, to save a cou-son is 10/10. Not a weak moment in the whole bit.

David Berry

“I congratulate you, but you’re still wrong.” – Claire Fraser, MD

Claire and Rachel help wounded soldiers into triage. Claire brings one of them inside and the lame doc yells at her if she’s come into help she will do so under his supervision. Like dude, just get out. There’s so many bloody men, work on your own patients! Claire says, “This man has a chest wound and I have to help him otherwise he will die!” Love Dr. Fraser, don’t mess. He replies, “There’s no need for hysterics!” Um, did you just do the modern-day equivalent of “Stop being crazy,” to a woman much smarter than you sir? Seriously, this man is on my list. The idiot doctor says, “He’s just inhaled a bit of smoke.” How is Claire not laughing in this man’s face, oh because she’s too busy being an actual doctor and saving his life.

Claire goes full doctor mode and says she has to remove the air from his chest, and then she cuts a hole in his chest and sticks a straw in to get the air out. Genius. Dr. Misogyny is distressed and yells, “What are you doing?” But Claire don’t care, and she sticks it in and it works! She calls Denny over, and dum dum Doc looks mildly impressed, but he can’t take a woman being smarter than him, and says, “I hope you have lard to apply to his burn.” And then Claire says, “First we need to dress the wound to prevent infection,” and he goes, “You’re contradicting me!” And Claire drops this banger in a way only she can, “Yes, you’re wrong.” Then he tells her where he went to school! I really wish she could say, “And I went to Harvard Medical School in the 1950s, and I’m a time-traveler. Top that b-tch.” But she opts for, “I congratulate you but you’re still wrong.” Then she and Denny give the best in sync side-eye you will ever see!! Diana on BlueSky captured this whole bit if you want to watch it on repeat.

Dr. Misogyny scampers off when Claire offers to explain the procedure to him! Brilliant. There should be a show where Claire just tells off men who think they’re smarter than her. Oh, wait there is, it’s Outlander. It’s this show.

Mustache Man Goes to Heaven

Ian leaps out from behind a tree and murders Mustachey. He says, “You’re right I would have regretted it.” William and Lord John gallop together back to the war camp. William is in a mood and says, “I think Mac the groom would approve of me carrying my own horse gear.” Relax, Mac Jr.

And then he takes a big swig of alcohol and Lord John grabs it out of his hand and says in the most dad way ever, “Careful! Not so fast, you’ll be sick.” William yells at him for keeping the secret. Lord John yells, “William!” And William says, “William who? Ransom? Fraser?” Ooh, William Fraser, we dig it, but Willy doesn’t. He then says, “It’s certainly not Grey!” It actually is, he raised you, little man Fraser. He screams, “Who in God’s name am I?!” Simmer down.

Lord John says, “You are my son! And you could have done a lot worse in terms of sires. James Fraser is an honorable courageous man.” And then Lord John says the sweetest stuff about Jamie, which is probably hard to do through his one eye. He tells William he and Jamie are very much alike. Which is what Claire said too. “He’s one of the best men I’ve ever met.” Until he dislocated my eye socket. William replies naively, “A traitor! I would never betray my country.” Lord John quickly says, “Never say never,” which he learned himself last episode. Lord John explains to an angry William, “Things aren’t always straightforward.” William stomps off. Like seriously William, must I remind you, you’re part of a hot dysfunctional family, your dad is hot, your stepmom is, your stepdad is, you are, like just embrace it. Skip the drama, and just fast forward to being a cute Fraser llama.

“Dear Bree…”

“Hello the House!” Rogers tells to Jamie’s dad, who is hoeing hay outside the house. Roger and Buck have returned to Lallybroch. Later in the study, Rogers writes, “Dear Bree…” Uh oh he better not be time-travel breaking up with her. Nope he’s just telling her he ended up in the wrong time. Then tells her he’ll do whatever it takes to get their family back together.

What if Bree time-travels and Roger time-travels and they pass each other, then she’s in past and he’s stuck in the future, single and not ready to mingle! Rogers sees a note in Buck’s hand. Buck says it’s a note of thanks to his mother. Aw. Buck. Roger puts his letter into a drawer in the desk. Didn’t that desk have a secret drawer?

In the future Bree opens Frank’s book. She writes a letter to Roger, saying Jem is there and they went back to find Roger. Wow, who knew a six-line letter could make you tear up but here we are. Bree opens the secret drawer and finds Roger’s letter! From Lallybroch, 1739. Now that is great mail system.

Fanny tells William Jane has been taken

A distressed Fanny tells William that Jane was taken by Major Henkins, and that he arrested her for killing Harkness. Oh no, I knew it. Jane is not long for this world. Damn it, Outlander, can’t you give William one win? That hot b-stard can’t catch a break this week! Just allow him to be happy with his hooker turned laundress. William vows to find her before they hang her.

Roger and Buck: “My blood, my sons.”

Buck tells Roger he’s not a good person because of what he did to his wife. Uh oh. But then he says what he did was fall in love with her. Turns out Morag was in love with Donald McAllister. And long story short, Morag was sad about Donald, and Buck and she got drunk, and she got pregnant and then they got married. He says he loved her but he knew she wanted Donald. “And I punished her for it,” he confesses that he took her away to North Carolina away from everyone. “And after all the trouble at Alamance…” Er awkward. He and Roger exchange a look. Remember that’s when Buck had Roger hung. Bygones.

Buck says it’s better he doesn’t go back for her sake. He says instead he’ll go back to the future to tell Bree where Roger is. Um, Buck you will die. He says, “It’s the one thing I can do for my family.” Aww, what a nice great grandpa who accidentally almost hung you to death.

Also, where did Brian go? They just took over the Lallybroch library and drank all of Brian Fraser’s whisky. Rude, boys. But seriously, where’s Brian? Showering? Hoeing?

Bree, Jem and Mandy Go Back

Brianna, Jem and Mandy are at the stones. She tells them to think of daddy and then gives them each a gem stone. Mandy has a hilarious hat on and looks like an old timey Dora the Explorer and I’m here for it. Brianna reminds her to think of Roger and then Mandy turns and runs into the stone yelling, “Daddy!” Brianna screams, “No! Wait!” Jem and Brianna run after her, so who knows where they will all end up and if they’ll end up together?!?

Mandy! You’re such a wreck! Girl stop! This is Claire’s granddaughter – absolute chaos monster! Yup, and Granny Claire is causing chaos in her time.

The Shot that Changes Everything

Denny, Rachel and annoying doctor run out to Claire who’s working on many patients outside and they say everyone needs to evacuate because the enemy is heading towards them. Okay, where is Jamie? Claire refuses to leave her patients and Rachel says, “You cannot expect us to leave without thee.” Aww, she loves her Aunty-in-law. Claire tells Rachel to go with Denny. Rachel leaves with Denny. The annoying doctor tells Claire to at least come inside, he tells her he will leave too soon. He tells Claire, “You’re a bloody good surgeon.” Too little too late, sir! Claire says she will not leave the men to die. And jerk says, “Good luck to you, Dr. Fraser,” and if you look at how she is tending to her patient, it’s the exact image of her in the painting! Omg, Outlander, chills. *Stands up, and claps while watching episode.

Izzy Meikle-Small and Ben Cura

I feel that this is incredibly dangerous for Claire Bear and Claire should at least get help moving the patients inside. But this does not seem possible.

Claire Gets Shot & Jamie Quits his Job

A young soldier frantically runs to Jamie, the little rabbit guy I believe. And says the Red Coats are headed to where Claire is. Jamie and his men start running. The Red Coats start marching by Claire.

Bixby arrives and says, “Madame Fraser, shouldn’t you be sheltering inside?” Yes, she should, but she won’t. Claire patches him up and asks, “General Fraser, have you heard anything?” Bixby says, “I’m sure he’ll be close, don’t worry.” Bixby, I’m worried! Bixby says Washington fired Lee and had Jamie join him in victory. Claire smiles but looks worried. Her headband game continues to be batting a hundred or rather battling. Get it? War joke. Is her headband a bandage? I digress.

Jamie arrives back with his men, he tells his men to let them go referring to red coats, since they are retreating. He sees Claire and says, “Sassenach!” And she says, “Jamie,” and is so happy to see him. Then the Red Coats start screaming, and the American soldiers start fighting and gun shots ring out. Jamie tells them to hold their fire, a shot rings out, and then in slow mo, we see Jamie and Claire lock eyes. She’s been shot! Oh my god, this whole episode has been hinting at this moment! No. No. Absolutely not. Claire Fraser will not die.

Claire falls to the ground, as blood gushes out, she puts her hand over the wound, Jamie runs over, looks absolutely panicked, and says, “Sassenach!”

Sam Heughan almost told us about this very moment accidentally in this video.

Jamie cries and shields Claire. Bixby looks over and yells, “General!” Jamie lifts Claire up and runs to get her inside with Bixby. The annoying doctor opens the door. Jamie rushes in and puts Claire on the table. Oh my god, is the annoying doctor going to redeem himself and save her?!

Jamie lays Claire on the table, and Bixby says, “I’m so sorry sir.” Jamie spits, “She’s not dying!” The doctor sees where Claire’s wound is and asks for bandages. Jamie brings a bandage, puts his hand on Claire’s wound, and the doctor tells him, “Press hard!” And then this stupid useless waste of space doctor says, “I’m very sorry, there’s nothing else I can do for her.” Jamie says, “What?!” Claire is awake and in a lot of pain, and looks very pale probably because she’s losing so much blood! The doctor leaves! LEAVES!!! Murder this man! Jamie begs, “No you cannot leave!” And he actually leaves them! What kind of garbage is that man.

Jamie says, “May the devil eat your soul and salt it well first,” and then he screams, and I mean screams from the bottom of his soul, “You whore!!!!” Icon behavior. Round of applause for Heughan, what a great line delivery. Jamie is absolutely bereft. He looks at Claire and she says, “You called him a whore?” I love these two. Literally one of them is dying and they still find mild moments of humor together. Perfect scene, perfect moment, except Claire is dying and the only doctor is her and she cannot operate on herself. Jamie historically couldn’t even give her a shot in her bum, so he can’t do anything. And that whore doctor left like a coward! Outlander fan Sarah captured it: “This is how it’s done kids, this is how you go from page to screen and do it justice.”

Caitríona Balfe and Sam Heughan

Jamie tells Claire she needs water, and she says weakly struggling to get words out, “Intestinal shock will kill me.” Jamie says, “I’ve seen men die of gut shots, I will not have you die like that Claire.” Jamie looks up and says, “Please God, dinna let it be now.”

That little soldier arrives like a scared rabbit and says, “General Fraser I have a message from General Lee.” Jamie tells him, “Go away,” and wow don’t interrupt Jamie when his wife’s life is on the line. But little soldier soldiers on and tells him General Lee needs him at once. Jamie says, “I will not leave!” And then Bixby who is now my favorite says, “Bugger Lee.” Little rabbit says, “You must come.” Jamie screams, “I will not leave!” And semi-conscious Claire flashes back to their campfire chat. They look up at the stars and Jamie says, “The stars will not burn out and nor will we.” Then they kiss.

Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe

Claire is beginning to really lose consciousness. Jamie spits at little Rabbit soldier, “Take off your coat!” He commands him to take it all off. Weird time for a strip show, but maybe Jamie is going to use his coat for something? He tells Bixby to hold his hand over Claire’s wound and then in the most insane way puts Claire’s blood on his fingers and writes in blood on the soldier’s back, “I resign. J. Fraser.” Unhinged iconic behavior Jamie.

Ah, hence the title, “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.” Because Claire is his heart. So sweet. And mildly, gross. But mostly, sweet. That is definitely a unique and stand out resignation letter and f-ing phenomenal. Now, that is one way to give notice, but pretty sure you’d get dragged into HR. Oh wait, you quit. Do it. He sends him on his way and says, “Show that to General Lee.” That little fella has no idea what Jamie wrote on his back.

Claire says, “Denny.” And Jamie sends Bixby to find Denzell Hunter. Jamie holds Claire and says, “I love you Sassenach, the stars will not burn out and nor will we.” Claire does not look good. Denny better run fast. Outlander fan Sarah captured the moment as her favorite shot from the episode.

Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe

Jamie and Claire

Jamie prays over Claire, and tells God to not send his angels for Claire, “If you do, I will not let them take her.” Like I believe him. These two will literally fight God to save each other. We’ve seen it. Bixby enters with Denny and Rachel! Denny looks at Claire panicked and Jamie says, “Save her!” Petition for Bixby to be a regular character.

Denny and Rachel get ready for surgery, Claire says to him, “The ball, could be in the liver, there’s so much blood.” Denny replies, “I’m sure thee is right, I’m going to find the ball and remove it.” Jamie looks so deeply panicked. Rachel says that General Lafayette’s aid brought some gifts that Lafayette sent for Claire because, “He was most concerned about her.” Her French bestie!! Sending her cheese at the weirdest time! But wait! Oh my god. Claire says, “Cheese. Is it Roquefort? Denny, the mold, penicillium, make a poultice for after.” Genius! Even when Claire is losing blood rapidly and almost dead, she’s still the smartest person in the room! Denny says he will and they must begin!”


Outlander fan Ana Laura said, “Claire still being a bad*ss and letting them know exactly what to do to save her.” And Outlander fans never miss a beat or a parallel. LB pointed out, “Seeing baby WWII Claire covered in blood right out of the gate… The fact that she’s covered in her own blood as the episode ends!” I guess we can say Outlander gave us a bloody good time tonight.

Denny gives her the laudanum. Jamie holds her head and says, “Dinna leave me Claire. This time I will beg. Dinna go from me.” Claire says, “I won’t.” Jamie kisses her forehead, she smiles then loses consciousness. Denny gets ready to cut into her, and says, “Jamie, pray.” And then it ends on Claire and cross fades into the starry sky. Claire will not be a dead star. Outlander. You’re leaving us hanging on this for two weeks?! Terrific episode. The perfect amount of drama action heartbreak and inexplicable anxiety.

Heughan’s performance as Jamie not being afraid to show how desperate he is knowing Claire could die is riveting. Balfe, even when playing half-conscious, brings such subtle power to every moment. And the two of them together, whether conscious or not, are impossible not to watch.

Balfe and Heughan told us these last two episodes of this season were their favorite. And we see why. A shoutout to director Joss Agnew and writer Danielle Berrow, and of course Diana Gabaldon, for “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.” I would argue this episode is award worthy. Hard to believe only one more episode for this season. Savor it. Only 11 more episodes to go. But if this episode is any indication, we have nothing to worry about. Except the deep, intense sadness that the show is ending.

To say Outlander fans loved this episode would be an understatement. Erin raved, “That ep had me on the edge of my damn seat, vision blurry with tears, this why I love this show.” Danielle wrote of Heughan’s performance, “I knew this would be his episode to shine, and holy sh*t, did he deliver. I felt that ‘Whore,’ like a bullet in my own liver.”

On BlueSky Sarah decided to bring the pain with a flashback of Claire leaving Jamie from season 2. But it perfectly captures how fans feel knowing there’s only one episode left this season. Lynn summed it up best, “I feel as if we should all be giving that episode a full-on standing ovation! (with everyone involved on a stage) It was just that good! Take a bow Outlander! Your stars will never burn out.”

For the next two weeks, you can re-watch this episode. And to be honest, probably the entire show. You can also read what Balfe had to say about Heughan, Skelton, Rankin, Bell in our Outlander cover story, with exclusive cast photos.

As for that painting from the beginning? Hang it in the Louvre.

Before you go, check out the all-time best ‘Outlander’ episodes you need to watch.