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Jennifer Lopez Says 'Challenging Relationships' Helped Her Relate to 'Unstoppable' Role, Talks Plans for the Future


Jennifer Lopez reflected on how certain life experiences helped her relate to the woman that she brings to life in her new movie Unstoppable.

The 55-year-old actress is playing Judy Robles in the project, which is about her son Anthony Robles defies the odds to become an acclaimed wrestler.

In a new interview, Jennifer opened up about parallels that she drew between herself and Judy. That included a reference to “challenging relationships.”

She also teased plans for her future, and it sounds like she’s only got bigger and better things on the way.

Keep reading to find out more…

“We were kindred spirits,” she told Variety about her and Judy. “We both grew up Latina in this country. We both had children and have hopes and dreams for them. We both had challenging relationships, which left us holding our families together.”

Later in the interview, she praised women for their strength.

“Women are strong,” she said. “We have to be. From the minute women are born, we’re always having to prove ourselves, to show we’re good enough. That creates a type of strength. And then a lot of us give birth — and there’s nothing that makes you stronger than doing that.”

As for her career, Jennifer said that she is only “at the halfway mark.”

“I feel like my best work is in front of me. My biggest projects are in front of me, and my biggest successes. Everything is in the future,” she said.

Unstoppable will debut on Prime Video on January 16th. Check out the new trailer here!