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Life feels so lonely and bleak that I booked an escort for kisses and cuddles

Escort or paid woman lying on bed in brothel. Man paying money for sex worker at night. Hooker with customer. Sexy lady with sugar daddy. Prostitution concept. Private striptease show.

DEAR DEIDRE: LIFE feels so lonely and bleak that I booked an escort for kisses and cuddles.

I’d dearly love a girlfriend, but I’m stuck living with my mum and have a minimum wage job. I feel stuck in a void – like I’ve got nothing to offer.

I’m a 30-year-old man, and can’t afford to get my own place.

I work in a fast food restaurant and there’s no prospect of earning a decent wage. 

People tell me I’m not bad looking, but girls want someone with a good job, their own place and money to treat them with.

The other night, I felt so lonely that I booked an escort and took her to a cheap hotel. We had a great night, but the best part wasn’t the sex, it was having someone to hold and kiss and talk to.

Now I’m tempted to book her again. But I know it’s not the same as a real relationship. 

Sometimes, I think my life is pointless and everyone would be better off if I wasn’t here. 

I wonder if I’m mentally unwell. How do I get out of this rut?



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DEIDRE SAYS: You do sound very depressed but please believe life won’t always be this bleak.

You’re right that paying for an escort will only leave you feeling more empty.

It’s important to talk to someone about how you’re feeling. If you can’t talk to someone you know, then a counsellor could help.

Please make an appointment with your GP to ask about this. 

My support pack Help for Your Depression has more information.

Once you start feeling more positive, you can think about re-training and possibly finding a house share. See my support pack, Help for Job Hunters. 

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