News in English

Barry Tompkins: A bit of rhyme for the New Year


It’s out with the old and in with the new

And like it or not, the bad news is true.

Our local sports heroes are way less than norm.

So I thought I’d address them in doggerel form.


It’s the first of the year and I’m thinking solutions.

How can we fix things with new resolutions?

There’s one thing I hope to point out in this verse

That things have to get better — they can’t get much worse.


Let’s start with the Niners who never held sway

Holdouts in July — no contract — no play.

And then they got hurt it was all happenstance

The sick and the wounded list mounted — no chance.


The season began with some hits — but more miss

And ends with a fall, deep in the abyss.

The bad news is changes will come almost surely

The good news is this year vacation comes early.


Everybody get well and give Purdy the money

No holdouts next summer and things will be sunny.

Patch up a few spots and do well in the draft

Do better with first picks.  And don’t get the shaft.


And speaking of shafts and downward progressions

I give you the Warriors, if you have no objections.

They started this year like they’d be in the hunt

Only to slip from top dog to runt.


Bigs who can shoot give the Warriors trouble

And help needs be found and I think on the double.

Father Time’s creeping on Green and on Curry

So help these guys out with support — best you hurry.


Now to the Giants and the boss, Buster Posey

Early returns say that things could look rosy

With a few more live bodies and arms in the fold

A success story’s there.  It just waits to be told.


Is it finally the year that puts bodies in seats

Or must we yet deal with a list of defeats?

It’s different this year so let’s all just relax

And win more than the Dodgers, the Padres and D-Backs.


And how ‘bout them Sharks?  Can you tell me they’re good?

I’m a hockey know-nothing, so I wish that I could.

I know that they’re young and someday they’ll win

But for me all I know is that ice goes in gin.


And then there’s there’s the colleges.  Where sports are so hot.

It’s recruiting, and cheering, and “How much you got?”

The innocence factor, play and earn your degree

Is now answered by prospects, “…and do it for free??”


The NIL factor has changed things forever.

The rich will get richer.  The others will never.

On occasion there might be someone that you’ll cheer

But you best do it fast — they’ll be gone by next year.


Santa Clara, St. Mary’s and USF hoops

To the number are all very talented groups

Who provide entertainment and without that much luck

Give the Bay Area sports scene the most bang for the buck.


I can’t start the new year without showcasing support

For Bay Area women’s teams no matter the sport.

Bay FC soccer is back.  Season two

Take in a game this year.  It’s a good thing to do.


And welcome the Valkyries, They’ll tip it in May.

They’re owned by the Warriors and let me just say

That the management here, and I’m proud to have said it

Will succeed in its venture.  These people just get it!


A cheaply poetic look at this year

Is what you’ve just read as I see it from here.

I’m also quite sure that you all will agree

If I wrote this in high school — no more than a C.


To all my loyal readers.  Have the happiest of New Years.