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Your 2025 horoscope: What your star sign has in store for love, life & career & the ‘naive’ sign who needs to watch out


2024 is now officially over and everyone around the globe has welcomed 2025, with epic firework displays and perhaps one too many glasses of champagne.

If you’re now battling a violent hangover and don’t plan on leaving the bed any time soon, we can keep you entertained with our exclusive tarot readings – so you’d know what to expect this year.

Scroll down if you want to see what 2025 has in store for you – from money to love

Whether you’re a single Pringle and wonder whether 2025 will finally be the year you’ll find your one and only, or want to find out if that job application is going to be successful, here’s what the Tarot Queen Kerry King can tell you…


Truth, success, and financial focus make you feel in control of things in 2025

The time for game playing or hiding your intentions is over

Love – Ace of Swords

Air signs are your go-to folk in 2025- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Fire and Air are a combustible combination and things are never dull. This is how you like it- spicy and fun!

Truth is the underlying theme of your relationship realm, being honest about what you want, who you are, where things are going etc. You seek this, and offer it.

The time for game playing or hiding your intentions is over. You realise everything is easier when you’re both on a level with each other, even if it’s not the same level, well, at least you know sooner vs later!

Work – Six of Wands

An extremely lucky and successful year ahead for your career, with peaks in April, August and December.

During these months, you will experience a lucky streak, a winning energy, so this is the time to apply for promotion, raises, expansions and new roles. Make a pitch!

The key to success is, as ever, playing to your strengths. Let the flaws be outshined by your talent and unique skill set.

You have enormous charisma, vitality, drive, and ambition- let it all flow and let others see your brilliance. Good things lie ahead.

Money – Two of Wands

You’ve always been a spontaneous character and that is a nice trait, but maybe not so much when it comes to money.

Splurges, impulse buys or decisions, and overwhelming demands all landing at once are typical in your financial realm.

It’s time to get organised, Aries, and look at each month or quarter as a whole, budget accordingly, and stick to the plan.

Know your limits, know your ‘rainy day’ money sources, and know your weaknesses (and avoid them wherever possible).

Be strategic and plan ahead, and you can have all the good treats and indulgences you like… just at the right time!


Education, progress, and liberation from worry make 2025 a game changer year

You might also meet someone via a course, lecture, workshop, professional training event or even at a class or college

Love – Page of Coins

Education is a theme in your love life- literally and metaphorically.

So, if you’re happily settled, then this is a deepening of your understanding of yourselves in this relationship, how it works, what you do best together and what you’ve still to learn about each other.

See it as a learning curve phase. If you’re single, then fellow Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) look the best match- you ‘get’ each other.

You might also meet someone via a course, lecture, workshop, professional training event or even at a class or college.

Look out for someone who could be a bit younger than you, or who is somehow linked to the realm of education. To Sir, with love.

Work – Four of Wands

Promotions, progress, advancement. Also linked to education (so maybe you’re mixing business with pleasure in 2025…).

Taking on new skills or knowledge will help you make the next step and reach the next level, so ne open-minded to this.

There is always more to learn. A change of location or a new territory may also be a part of this advance.

If you’re hoping to move overseas or someplace else to work then this is definitely on the cards this year – Springtime and the months of August and December might work.

Money – Nine of Swords

All Taureans worry about money because it’s the root of security and certainty.

You know what it is, where it is, and what it can get for you. And so you worry about it, even obsess over it.

Stop this cycle of overthinking your finances and trying to control every penny.

Caution and sound management is good but total obsession is not.

Talk about your worries, fears, underpinning anxieties and dread here. Mitigate what you can, let go of the rest.

You have been torturing yourself for too long needlessly, turn a corner and breathe easier. You’re doing OK. 

Horoscope traits

What does your star sign mean for you?

Aries – The best and worst characteristics of the head of the zodiac
Aquarius – The traits you need to know for the air sign
Capricorn – What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Cancer – The key traits for the sign include a keen love of food
Gemini – The traits to be aware of for the sign with a symbol of twins
Leo – The best and worst characteristics of the fire sign
Libra – What does the seventh star sign mean for your personality?
Pisces – The key traits for the sign include an interest in the arts
Sagittarius – The traits you need to know for the fire sign
Scorpio – What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Taurus – The best and worst characteristics of the earth sign
Virgo – The key traits for the sign include loyalty and kindness


Do what you love and everything will flow, but don’t burn out, pace yourself

You are planning and building for the future, you share the same vision

Love – Nine of Coins

Everything is on the UP (good news!) in your love life realm and it’s a year that commitments will emerge and deepen.

You finally feel like you know what you want and how to make a relationship tick.

You just want to be yourself and find the person who loves that, quirks and all. If you’re already settled and happy, then this year brings real joy and satisfaction together.

You are planning and building for the future, you share the same vision.

Single Geminis will find love with shrewd, worldly Earth signs – Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. A rock to your flighty bird! Time to nest.

Work – Nine of Cups

Make a wish! What ever you most want to unfold in your career can become a reality in 2025, as long as you focus, believe, and make overt steps in its direction.

The higher you aim, the better the outcome, so dream BIG.

The Universe is ready to back you, to bring you the good fortune and opportunity to turn visions in reality, and ideals into the new normal.

Summer will bring the peak of this energy and the realisation that you have, despite the odds, ‘made it’, but the months of March and November are also pivotal for change and progress.

Do what you love. And everything will flow from that.

Money – Ten of Wands

Don’t burn out, don’t overspend, don’t dip too deeply into your resources to chase a dream or lifestyle.

It’s not that you’ll be short but that cash flow might be a bit more stuttery in 2025 so you need to ensure you have lots of buffer zoning and wriggle room.

Make sure you’ve got reserves on hand. That way, you’ll never have to worry or fret.

You love money, you enjoy earning, and you can also get het up about your revenues.

Relax on this front too. It will all work out, even if at times it looks like things are falling rather than rising.

Don’t panic or get anxious. Money comes, money goes.

And, for Gemini, whatever goes is always swiftly replaced by the next wave because you’re a creator. 


Love destiny, more risks taken, and big decisions 

For attached Cancerians, travel is the key to romantic bliss and intimacy

Love – The Chariot

The Chariot is your sign’s tarot talisman card and a powerful omen that you are entering a love destiny!

This is THE year to meet ‘the one’ for you. They could be a fellow Cancerian, but the main indicator of WHO this is will be that they’re on a journey, travelling, holidaying, moving location or passing by literally on a commute or road.

So, when you’re away from home and on the move, keep your eyes peeled! Especially in July.

For attached Cancerians, travel is the key to romantic bliss and intimacy.

Being together outside of everyday life helps you come closer together, make plans, dream big, and talk in ways you wouldn’t ordinarily.

Get away with your loved one as much as you can!

Work – Queen of Wands

You’re going to take some chances in 2025 and make a risky move that pays off handsomely.

This could be taking on an entrepreneurial project or side line, perhaps your big idea is a winning one and there’s no time like NOW to launch it!

Maybe you go for a promotion that you feel could be out of reach but, surprise, it’s yours!

You are more ready for the next level than you currently know. You have outgrown your current space, you need more to chew on… and bigger rewards.

Both are coming your way! Take responsibility for rising up. 

Money – Two of Swords

A big decision needs to be made in 2025 that affects your overall finances- maybe about home, assets, pension, debt, retirement, career or job.

Whatever it is, face it head on. Procrastination is the enemy in 2025.

February will bring a nudge to get on with this decision and June will be your deadline to have chosen an option and executed it.

Research well, discuss the choices, pressure test your thinking, get outside opinion. And then act.

This decision, if not made, will block your ability to feel secure in your financial realm. 


A worldly, shrewd version of you plays a sharper game in 2025

Single Leos will find love with charismatic and charming Water signs- Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Love – Page of Cups

This card can represent your inner child, which is never far away in matters of the heart as we learn from our parental dynamic and what we experience in childhood.

Examine this and its impact on your expectations, ideals or boundaries in relationships.

Does something need a re-set?

Single Leos will find love with charismatic and charming Water signs- Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio – maybe with some kind of link to your past, and maybe a little bit younger than you too!

Work – The Devil

Don’t be naïve, don’t be too trusting, don’t place all your hopes in your boss fighting your case and making things happen for you.

Take ownership, be shrewd, be ruthless, be willing to do what it takes to make your money and carve out your own niche. No one is going to do it for you.

The Devil is a worldly and sophisticated player, at ease with wealth, eager to rise, and ready to play whatever game is necessary – this is very much your energy in 2025, and it will take you far.

Money – Queen of Swords

Be independent, be self reliant, be sure that you can pay your own way before anything else.

Having shared resources with others is fine but there’s nothing as reassuring and empowering as knowing your own resources will hold you afloat.

And if you don’t feel like that, then address it.

Look for ways and means to make your money grow, to protect your assets, to create a safety net.

It can start small, and everything grows, but it starts with YOU.

Take care of your finances before sharing or giving or splitting them with anyone else. 


A happy ever after, a rewarding career, and some luck financial breaks ahead

Summertime brings the highlights, but March and November are also loving months

Love – Ten of Cups

2025 could be your best ever year for love and romance, the happy ever after you’ve yearned to experience, the grand gesture and feeling of security and true commitment you always wanted.

The Ten of Cups is the ‘peak’ of a love story, the finale (in a good way), so have high hopes. Invest in this area of your life.

That goes for whatever relationship stage or status you’re in or at.

Everything can change and accelerate really fast with this card.

Summertime brings the highlights, but March and November are also loving months. 

Work – The Empress

Great pleasure and satisfaction ahead in work and the chance to really feel like you’re moving towards doing what you love, what flows naturally for you, and feels good.

May and October are particular moments of joy that solidify this sense of ‘being on the right path’.

If you’re floundering, then think about careers in creative areas, childcare, care and healing, or some kid of nurturing and protective role.

You are so naturally helpful and organised, you love taking care of others and are good at it. 

Money – King of Wands

Bonuses and windfalls, lucky breaks, and surprise extras are all in the pipeline for you in 2025, so be lucky, play a game of chance, take a bold leap in your career, embrace risk and step off the beaten track.

April, August and December are great months for this kind of action!
Risk-taking doesn’t come easily to you, but if you research your options, mitigate the known issues, and keep a safety net beneath you, then you can reach for bigger rewards and take a few chances.

Education may play a part in improving your chances of success.


Change, growth, self awareness all leading to new roles, relationships and outlooks

You will change. You will want different things. Let this happen

Love – Temperance

A different outlook on love, commitment, and relationships in general will emerge this year, very gradually, and probably in response to things that have happened in 2024, but the processing of them take time and patience.

You will change. You will want different things. Let this happen.

Sagittarians are very good for single Librans in 2025, and people who are totally not your usual ‘type’. As I said, you’re changing…

Work – Ace of Swords

A home truth or piece of feedback, coming to you by February, starkly impacts how you perceive your current position and future trajectory.

It isn’t entirely what you were thinking it was! And that’s okay. Far better to deal with the truth of things than carry on being spun along by an illusion.

Get to the bottom of it all, figure out your plan, and by May you will be in a new headspace and possible role!

By October, you will think this has been the BEST career year for you so far.

Money – Six of Coins

Generosity is a big theme in your financial realm this year- both giving and receiving.

You like to help others and support family and generally make your money do good in the world. Carry on!

The Universe HAS been watching all of your positive efforts and will bring surprise windfalls and bonuses and gifts your way this year that really help and please you.

Money is merely a means to an end, not a goal in itself, and you innately understand this. 


A summer of love, a promotion in your career, and a clean slate financially

It’s time to rise, Scorpio!

Love – Strength

In relationships (especially committed ones) it’s the hard times and challenges that strengthen and define you, what you mean to each other, and how you make each other’s lives better.

Celebrate this with the people who have stood by you and return the favour in 2025.

You are loved and admired, you make others’ feel stronger in your presence. Share this powerful energy freely.

Leos are a hot ticket for single Scorpios in 2025, and late July through August will bring a ‘summer of love’ vibe whatever your relationship status!

Work – Queen of Wands

You are moving onwards and probably upwards in 2025- with opportunities to do so arising in April, August and December.

These opportunities will come from your own efforts and networking and confident pitching, so get busy getting on the front foot and knocking on doors.

No one is going to do this for you. In fact, you wouldn’t want anyone to because you’re a resolutely independent character.

It’s time to rise, Scorpio!

Money – Nine of Wands

Tackle the problems first, tackle them all by April, so you have a clear run from then with your finances.

The Nine of Wands brings reassurance that you can handle whatever is going on, and that the problems or trickies are not HALF as bad or difficult to resolve as you fear.

You have been overthinking and building them up. Just knock them down and blast through.

Make a list of your financial unknowns or big issues, and tick them off one by one before April is out. 


All new game in love, same game in work, and changing tactics in money

2025 will renew your gratitude for where you’re at, what you’ve already got under your belt

Love – The Fool

Well, well, this time next year, a lot of things could look and feel different in your relationship realm because The Fool is the tarot’s first card and its patron saint of new beginnings!

So, expect new people to enter your life (especially Aquarians, and especially around Spring) who stir everything up and make you feel like you’ve got a second chance, a new lease of life, a fresh outlook.

This might be a partner, it might be a friend who revamps how you see yourself, or your relationship.

Embrace this surge of new energy. 

Work – Four of Cups

You are actually in a pretty good spot, you know, and maybe you’ve just lost sight of that a bit recently.

2025 will renew your gratitude for where you’re at, what you’ve already got under your belt, and your level of skill and experience at this stage.

The Four of Cups creeps in when we’ve lost sight of everything already in our back yard, or under our nose. We have fixated on others’ journeys, vs our own.

The grass is not greener. Amplify what you already have.

Make it work harder. Extract everything you can out of your current position. 

Money – Seven of Coins

You’re maturing, changing, shifting priorities, and altering your outlook on how you earn, save, invest, and spend.

This is not an overnight thing, it’s entwined with your own maturity as a human.

Money is inextricably linked with your life stage, both in terms of earning capacity, demands, and spending patterns.

You’re going through a major shift here and by 2026 you will see the change, but not overnight or in any one single moment.

Let these changes unfold. And it focuses initially on stopping or letting go of old habits or spend.

Trim back. Examine each purchase. Review your outgoings ruthlessly, you don’t need to do all of them anymore. 


Prosperity, commitment and feeling like you are where you’re meant to be

It’s a year for building commitments and putting ‘labels’ on relationships or situationships

Love – Three of Coins

This is a year for secret admirers and suitors you didn’t even realise you’d attracted showing their hand.

You are in demand, Cap! It feels good, it’s an ego boost. Other Earth signs, in particularly, are drawn to you.

They respect and admire your character, your worldliness, and sophistication.

It’s a year for building commitments and putting ‘labels’ on relationships or situationships.

You are ready to define what you are to each other and take the next step. Commitment feel good. 

Work – The Star

A dream can come true for you in your career, possibly quite early on in the year, say February time.

And this expansion or change of role really defines the mood of 2025- optimistic, proud, prosperous.

You are on the rise, on the up, and you should be pro-active and confident about asking for what you want, manifesting the kind of role you dream of, and getting the rewards you richly deserve. 

Money – The Hierophant

Capricorns are known for being good with money, but you might be well served to seek some professional advice in 2025, maybe around April or May.

It will be something where you recognise the limits of your own knowledge or understanding.

Don’t spend hours and hours trying to work it out for yourself (as you’re prone to do)- just find and consult with an expert.

Get in the inside track, the latest intel, the best guidance. You will be very glad you did. 


What is meant for you will stay, and what isn’t will go. Accept the ebb and flow

Don’t sweat the small stuff in 2025, don’t let petty problems or setbacks get under your skin

Love – Nine of Coins

Everything is going to work out beautifully in your love life in 2025. You are ready to plant seeds to reap months and years down the line- building a commitment, a home, even a family.

You are looking ahead to your next shared life chapter and making plans to look forward to.

If you’re single, it’s likely you will meet a ‘forever partner’ in 2025, maybe around autumn, maybe a solid Earth sign (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus). 

Work – Five of Cups

Don’t sweat the small stuff in 2025, don’t let petty problems or setbacks get under your skin, because you’re always at your best when you focus on the real prize, the long term and the bigger picture.

Some stuff might go awry this year or not be as you hoped, and the real truth is this: it wasn’t meant for you.

What is meant for you will not pass you by. Whatever doesn’t lead to more in 2025 is just not the right thing for you, so let it go, and refocus. 

Money – The Tower

Something that has been a long term bad habit, damaging outlook or self belief, or secret spiral will come to a head, collapse, and release you from its grip, which will be very good news for you financially.

Money is not an end unto itself, it’s currency to buy into other things. And some of your choices are not the best ones for you in the long run.

This pattern will end in 2025, liberating and empowering you to make better, sounder choices, and get this area of your life back to full health. 


A more demanding and savvy side of you redesigns several aspects of your life 

You’re getting bossier in love. Good!

Love – Four of Wands

You want more, better, or different… and you’ll get it in 2025, Pisces, if you believe in this and create boundaries, standards, and expectations that you hold to, even if it means getting distance from some folk.

You know what you like and need, what you desire and hope for. So, make that the thrust of your interactions and dynamic.

Be overt, direct, communicative. Let them know how you feel and what you need.

And if it’s not forthcoming then call it out, and make a choice about what you are, and are not, going to compromise on.

You’re getting bossier in love. Good!

Work – Five of Swords

A situation may start to arise, from February and peaking in June, that feels a bit stressful and like you don’t know how to resolve it.

This is a really important pivot point for you. Its emergence is to get you to question what you’re doing and why, and whether it’s right for you in the long run.

It might lead to a change of role, tasks, hours or lifestyle, or team members.

Get to the root cause of it, don’t engage in any squabbles, focus on what needs to change to restore harmony.

This is a big leap forwards, even though it starts in a difficult place.

Money – Page of Wands

Have fun with your resources! You often equate money with danger or fear, or like a dull and dry element of life you just have to deal with.

But money is a ticket to the good life you yearn to lead. Money is a passport to places.

See money as an ally who can help you make the most out of your time.

Unlock this mindset and you will be much more enthused and interested in how you can manage your financial resources to open up your world.