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Free First Day Hikes at PNW state parks on Jan. 1


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) -- Looking to get out of the house to start the new year? Head to state parks across Oregon and Washington for free guided hikes on Jan. 1.

At 30 Oregon parks and 40 Washington parks, visitors can go on self-led or guided hikes with all parking fees waived.

“State parks offer an incredible variety of outdoor experiences, showcasing the unique natural and cultural features of each region,” said Lewis Ledford, President and CEO of the National Association of State Park Directors. “Whether you’re trekking through snowy trails in the Rockies or enjoying mild southern breezes, First Day Hikes are the perfect way to start the new year outdoors, experiencing the beauty of our public lands.”

Hikes will be going on throughout the day, with some having both morning and afternoon options.

Some hikes also require an RSVP, which can be found online on the Oregon State Parks and Washington State Parks websites.

First Day Hikes have been happening across the United States since 1992, and the program now includes hikes in almost all 50 states.