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Your annual diabetes foot check

Everyone with diabetes should have an annual foot check.Your foot check is part of your annual review, which means you should have it as part of your diabetes care and it's free on the NHS. This is becauseyou’re more likely to have serious foot problems and these can lead to amputations.If youlive in Scotland, you might have your foot check(also called a foot screening)less often, depending on your risk level for developing a serious foot problem.Foot checks are happening differently in different areas at the moment because of the coronavirus pandemic.But if you develop a problem with your feet, it's really important to speak to your care team right away - don't delay. We've got lots of information onwhat care you can expect during the pandemic.Diabetes leads to 184 amputations a week.That's 26 amputations a day and 1 amputation every hour. Going to your foot checks and knowing the signs to look out for could prevent this from happening.In most cases, serious foot problems can be preve...