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Crookie Pedo Of The Year: Matt Gaetz


Until we got wind of the federal and congressional investigation into Gaetz’s – uh, intimate friends, we thought he was only a spoiled a-hole, taking up a taxpayer-funded Congressional seat for the sake of getting Fox News hits.

Thanks to the House Ethics Committee, we now know Gaetz is so much more.

From The New York Times:

The committee concluded that Mr. Gaetz regularly paid women to have sex with him from 2017 to 2020 and had sex with an underage girl in 2017, during his first term in the House, and that the girl was paid.

The report says that Mr. Gaetz used illegal drugs — including cocaine and Ecstasy — on multiple occasions between 2017 and 2019. It also says that he accepted gifts of transportation and lodging, in excess of dollar limits on what members of Congress are allowed to accept, as part of a trip he took to the Bahamas where he had sex with women whom he paid.

The report adds that he used his position to falsely claim to the State Department that a woman he had sex with was really a constituent who needed help obtaining a passport.

Mr. Gaetz also obstructed the committee’s investigation, the report said.

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