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Elon Musk v. MAGA: H-1B Visas, Foreign Workers, Big Tech, and America First


Here’s what the tech bros, including Elon Musk, have in common with average Americans of every race, creed, and color that make up MAGA: they knew that the progressive left, a one-world-government cabal of elites wishing to impose a cultural universalism that ends in tyrannical Leninism, posed an existential threat to their freedom. In the tech bros’ case, it was innovative and economic freedom. In the case of MAGA, it was the freedom to be an American and all that means.

The tech bros do not understand what it means to be American. They’re learning, but they were not born, bred, and marinated in all the subtle ways that shape American behavior. They saw the results: the optimism, the can-do attitude, the rebelliousness, the freedom, but they don’t know where it came from or the why of it. It just is. And what is, is better than other parts of the world and that’s enough good soil to plant their idea seeds in because it’s fertile, and good ideas grow into great things in America and make innovators very, very wealthy.

The psychopaths running Biden’s regime revealed themselves. They spoke openly of commandeering tech. They coerced and pressured companies to conform to their cockamamie speech codes and DEI insanity. The tech bros, mostly Millennials, mostly Ivy-educated cultural snobs, and citizens of the world didn’t really mind. Their worldview was not American. They were used to stupid government ideas and they were big enough to absorb the stupidity. It was just a part of doing business — except that now, the government officials were talking about stealing their businesses and wanted these innovators to be happy about it.

The tech bros response? Wait, what? We were right there with you til that last part. Hey, now. That’s kinda rude, bro. I built this company. And so the tech bros made entreaties to Trump. They started paying some attention and a philosophy that polite society dismissed out of hand because it was just the stupid American rubes spouting off, started making sense.

MAGA welcomed the tech bros. Hey, Elon gives us free speech! He understands our plight! We are the same! Maybe.

If there was a Venn diagram of MAGA and the newly awakened tech world, it would be a big circle of MAGA and a small circle of tech, with the economic piece overlapping. MAGA’s cultural concerns, foreign policy concerns, class concerns, way of life concerns … all of it, matter less to these newbs.

Here’s what MAGA knows and is worried about: America started as a Christian nation with Christian ideals grounded in governance ideals from the Magna Carta and Platonic philosophy. MAGA worries that the ingredients that make America great are being destroyed. Those ideals are as big as giving forgiveness instead of seeking revenge (Marshall plan), extending grace (bankruptcy law), equality under the law (jury of peers), the pursuit of an abundant life (low taxation and fewer regulations), dressing and keeping the environment (no littering, conserving beauty), decency and order (solid infrastructure, reliable electricity, water treatment), personal autonomy before God (the right to self-defense and personal property), and on and on.

Christian ideals are woven through how Americans perceive gender. It’s why women are free unlike in Hindu and Muslim societies. With God, there is neither Jew nor Greek, male or female, slave or free. All people are the same before God and since a Christian’s job is to be Christ-like, he should treat every person the way God would: as an individual. Outside of Christianity, women, the weaker sex, have always been a slave or chattel class.

In this secular society, and especially in the objectivist and materialist tech world, these principles aren’t even known. But these Christian principles form the why of America and MAGA is keen to return to these principles lest America be lost forever. The tech bros have no idea about them. They just understand that whatever makes America work is better than other places.

The H-1B visa flap reveals the fissures between the groups. The tech bros want cheap labor. It helps the bottom line. It’s a crass argument though, and they don’t want to make it. They don’t want to admit that the H-1B system is actually a foreign slave market dressed up for public consumption. When cornered, they blamed American workers for not being good enough: too many sleepovers, not enough tutors. And then, when MAGA protested, they retreated to standard Leftist tropes and screamed, “RACISM!” Oops, there it is. The tech bros revealed their leftist cards.

MAGA wasn’t having it. And they won’t have it if Trump goes along with the tech cartels and encourages more H-1B visas. They didn’t go along with the government COVID mandates, either, by the way. Far from being a goose-stepping cult, MAGA rebels when the people in charge go astray.

What MAGA wants: American jobs for American citizens. A good education and a good job are foundational to the American dream. It’s not a lot to ask. Personal autonomy depends on these things. Illegal immigration and cheap foreign labor undermine these things. Pretty straight-forward.

The H-1B visas are a scam. A data nerd on X revealed the truth and it was incontrovertible.

Calling Americans who want good things for American citizens racist is an insult, above and beyond many indignities they’ve had to endure.

Many years ago, sitting on the floor in Atlanta’s airport waiting for a delayed flight, I chatted with a delusional GM employee. He’d just trained a team of Indian workers to replace him and his team. “But jobs will come back to Michigan,” he assured me. Michigan was dead, a hollowed-out husk.

These stories are myriad. They start in college. White kids from certain zip codes with perfect scores, nine AP classes, and on and on, won’t be considered by the Ivies. The national merit scholars with perfect ACT and near-perfect SAT scores couldn’t get interviews. Instead, they went to state schools on scholarship but then competed for jobs, again, against lesser talented but more DEI-approved or H-1B-cheapened talent.

Americans, true Americans, expect an even playing field. Between illegal immigration, DEI, and H-1B scams, American citizens are competing against lesser talent and for less money. Vivek Ramaswamy wants a return to a merit-based society. MAGA wants that too.

Want to know why Gen Z and Gen Alpha males voted for Trump? It’s not all that complicated. They haven’t watched the cultural insanity from some fourth-column perch, they’ve lived it. Virulent hatred spewed by female teachers toward men? They’ve heard it. Transgender kids, aka their buddies from sixth grade who grew their hair long, put on a skirt, and now play women’s sports even though the guy was picked last on every team cuz he sucked? They’ve seen it. Impossible standards for them to get into good colleges while dumbasses of other colors and sexual persuasions get plum positions even though they’re “no talents”? Par for the course.

These boys are radicalized because they’re the butt of every joke, the villain of every story, the skunk at every garden party.

If, by some miracle, the boy gets into a college, it’s more of the same. He’s the minority. He’s ridiculed. And when he tries to get a job, it gets worse. He may have been a national merit scholar, graduated summa cum laude, and won national coding championships against these lauded classes, but they will get jobs and he will not. (This is a real example, by the way.) He fills no quota. He will take what he’s given and it’s usually a crappy consulting job for underwhelming pay.

One friend’s son said, “There’s just no computer science jobs anymore.” No, honey. There are no jobs for you.

Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy stirred the political pot asserting that foreign workers make America great and stating, (paraphrasing here) that American families need to focus more on tutoring, hard work, and stop sleepovers.

But that’s not an American point of view. Americans are creative because they’re not programmed robots. They’re free. That means American parents emphasize well-roundedness and a multitude of experiences. American parents don’t generally create autodidacts unless the child shows spectacular talent in an area and desires it.

Otherwise, American kids play a variety of sports, maybe learn piano, take swim lessons, and as they grow and demonstrate talent they specialize. However being socially flexible, a good team player, demonstrating leadership skills, and cooperative information sharing are emphasized because this is where the magic happens. Good ideas take good teams to come to fruition.

American parents take their kids to church. Moral grounding and a spiritual life promote all kinds of desirable qualities. A child will have a foundation to endure hardship. He will learn to think of serving his fellow man. He’ll sing and pray — more things that promote solid mental health. Personal responsibility is emphasized.

American parents, the good ones, impart discipline but also fun. Life is more than drudgery. The American dream is a struggle, yes, but it’s also the joy of baseball, a bike ride, or an ice cream cone.

Americans are sick of being actively discriminated against in their own damn country and then being told they’re racist for wanting their children to have the opportunities that used to be taken for granted.

Enough, already!

To Elon’s credit, he conceded that reforms needed to happen in the H-1B program. Likely, even he was shocked when he saw the data. It’s disturbing.

The fact is that the leftists want a nation divided by race, gender, and ideology. A divided nation is an easy nation to control. They don’t want a nation full of content, patriotic, employed, happy families achieving the American dream. Those people are difficult to manage because they’re free.

The tech bros should want this for Americans, too. American life is not 100 percent about the bottom line. America was never a libertarian paradise. It was a paradise of liberated people. The people were grounded in something more spiritual, broad, and imbued with meaning. America was prosperous, yes, but that prosperity was a result of moral, personally responsible, hardworking people who are charitable, generous, and forgiving. These patriotic, wholesome people want that world for their children.

Trump and his friends, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, have enormous power to make this a reality. Rather than insult the people who rightly desire this, they should help them achieve it.

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The post Elon Musk v. MAGA: H-1B Visas, Foreign Workers, Big Tech, and America First appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.