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Big trade!

Great trade!

Look back to who you read and listen to or watch. If they been in this basic conversation, maybe continue to listen to them. If they use both 1st on anything then blow this bizzy up. Maybe time to tune them out.

thanks dlo but bye bye !! Redemption tour successful. And this was indeed a redemption tour. Dlo was helpful two years ago and good last year. He has been really bad this year. He is rich. He has a beautiful family. He should think about spending more time with them. Maybe a few more years in vet min Help a contender from the bench? Help develop some your guys? Cool. He made up for being bad in his first few seasons with the lakers

DFS is the player type the FO has been talking about and they got him for 3 seconds . Smart ! And don’t sleep on Milton. He is the type of professional bench player all teams need. DFS is a rotational piece. We scored big time.

Should we make one more move. Sure if it’s good. But we need Gabe unless we can pull another pg. this looks to me like the only move we make. Unless we can get a pg or Devonte Graham is playing well in South Bay. Bottom line we need a back up pg and can’t afford to lose Gabe if we don’t have a good back up .

Definitely not making that big move for both seconds. That ship has sailed. And it’s fine. This team if healthy can contend. And that all you can ask for. A fighters chance.