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Why Coca-Cola always tastes worse on a plane and the best booze-free drink to choose instead


THE reason Coca-Cola always tastes worse on a plane has been revealed – as well as the best booze-free drink to choose instead.

While sweet drinks suffer the most when you’re 10,000m in the air, tart and umami drinks suffer the least – and can even be improved.

Travellers recommend ginger ale as the best booze-free drink to order on board a flight[/caption]

Writing for Popsci, one traveller shared how her Coke never tastes as good, saying: “My Sky-et Coke doesn’t always hit quite the same when I’m among the clouds.”

Amanda Reed then went on to explain that the low air pressure in cabins, along with the dry atmosphere, can dull your taste buds and odour receptors.

This particularly affects sweet and faulty flavours, she says – with about a 30% reduction in intensity.

As one of the most sugary drinks out there, with 35g per 330ml can, the experience of drinking Coca-Cola can be significantly less enjoyable.

However, Amanda added that ginger ale can be even better while on-board a flight.

This is because while the sweet notes of the drink are reduced, the sour notes are more pronounced – making it refreshingly sharp.

Ginger ale also has the added benefit of helping with travel sickness – as it reduces feelings of nausea.

Nutritionist Lauren Grosskopf previously told Travel + Leisure: “Ginger helps ease stomach upset with nervous flyers.”

If you’re looking to enjoy an alcoholic drink, a Moscow Mule is a great cocktail to have on a flight – as it is primarily made up of ginger beer.

Similarly, there’s a reason the Bloody Mary is such a popular choice.

Its main ingredient is tomato juice – whose umami flavour remains immune to the effects of plane travel, and can even be enhanced.

While its important to enjoy the flavours of your on-board drinks, remember also to hydrate yourself with plenty of water.

Anton Radchenko, founder of AirAdvisor, previously told Travel + Leisure: “The limit of your water intake on the plane, in combination with the air pressure, can contribute to dehydration symptoms.”

However, other flight experts have cautioned against drinking the tap water on a plane.

This is because plane water tanks are rarely cleaned and can contain bacteria.

If you want to avoid tummy trouble on your holidays, it’s best to instead to stick to bottled water.

Five common mistakes that could impact your flight

Flight attendant Beth Windsor shared the common mistakes passengers make that could negatively impact their flights:

  1. Walking Barefoot: The plane’s floors are very dirty and can lead to infections. It’s better to wear hotel slippers or sandals if you want to remove your shoes.
  2. Using Seat Pockets: These pockets are rarely cleaned and can contain unpleasant items like dirty nappies. It’s best not to store personal items in them.
  3. Drinking Plane Tap Water: Plane water tanks are rarely cleaned and can harbor harmful bacteria. Stick to bottled water to avoid illness.
  4. Booking Bulkhead Seats: These seats often accommodate bassinets for babies, which can lead to noisy flights. Opting for an exit row may help you avoid this issue.
  5. Getting Too Drunk: Alcohol affects passengers more due to low cabin pressure, potentially leading to quicker intoxication and possible trouble. Drink in moderation and stay hydrated with water.
Coke tastes up to 30% less sweet while on-board a flight, according to studies[/caption]