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Smartmatic makes big move to unseal secret Murdoch family succession drama


Behind the scenes, the family of right-wing media mogul Rupert Murdoch is in a battle over who will take over his media empire when he dies. The family drama that inspired the HBO show "Succession," is now sparking curiosity to one of the companies suing Fox News over its promotion of lies about the 2020 presidential election.

CNN reported Friday that Smartmatic is going to probate court in Nevada to ask commissioners to turn over secret documents related to the succession battle that the firm believes could help bolster the defamation suit against Fox News.

"The source said Smartmatic’s filings say testimony from the Nevada case might contradict past assertions in the 2020 election litigation, where Fox claimed control of the parent company doesn’t impact the editorial direction of Fox News. In the Nevada case, Rupert has argued that Lachlan must succeed him in order to maintain his outlet’s right-wing political bent," CNN reported.

Also Read: How Fox News became the 'greatest cancer on democracy'

The Murdoch patriarch wanted to cement his company under the direction of his son Lachlan, who shares his father's vision for the network. Meanwhile, two other children, James and Elisabeth, are centrists who may change the channel's political orientation.

It was the show, "Succession" that prompted Murdoch's move, the New York Times reported earlier this month.

Donald Trump's 2020 election conspiracy theories led to several of Fox's on-air hosts and guests to falsely accuse companies like Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems of rigging the election against him.

Fox lawyer Winn Allen told a judge that the Smartmatic suit is "irrelevant" to the family battle.

Read the full report here.