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New details on Schenectady HS screening process


SCHENECTADY, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- The Schenectady City School District has released new details regarding its weapons screening systems at the high school. The new weapon screening system and bag scanners are being installed on January 2 and 3.

January 6 and 7 will be a soft implementation of the system, with students learning the process and what to expect. Students will be walking through the scanning system and placing their things on the bag scanners. The system will be fully implemented on January 8.

The school district then shared what is and what is not allowed in the school. If a student tries to bring any of the unapproved items into the school, the system will detect it, create an alert, and show specifically where the item is located.

Allowed items

  • Cell phones
  • Chromebooks
  • Stanley cups
  • Water bottles
  • Umbrellas
  • Pencil cases
  • Binders
  • Textbooks
  • Earbuds and cases

Unapproved/not allowed items

  • Guns
  • Knives
  • Brass knuckles
  • Any weapons
  • Illegal drugs
  • Vapes
  • Alcohol
  • Aerosol

Students will be able to discard any unapproved items before they walk through the screening device at school. Unauthorized items detected in the screening process will be considered a violation of the Code of Character, Conduct, and Support, said the school district.

The school board voted to install the detection system in response to safety issues. The systems cost $618,000 and will be paid in installments over three years.