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Binmen make superfan toddler’s day after giving him heartfelt present

Two-year-old Bellamy is obsessed with bin lorries (Picture: BNPS)

Kindhearted binmen made a superfan toddler’s Christmas after gifting him his very own model of their lorry.

Two-year-old Bellamy Lane loves to sit at the window with his older sister Evelyn, 6, to wave at the men when they do their rounds in Alderholt, Dorset.

When his mother takes him for a morning walk, he often bumps into them and watches as they empty the bins.

Bellamy was given a bin lorry by his family for his birthday in September which he had proudly shown the workers, but when the binmen had a breakdown and weren’t able to make their normal round earlier this month, Bellamy was so distraught that he broke it.

The binmen saw the damaged toy thrown away as they completed their next round and decided to buy the truck-loving tot a new one.

When they knocked on the Lane family’s door to present the new toy lorry to a beaming Bellamy, mum Kelly Lane was brought to tears.

Kelly, 34, a customer service assistant from Alderholt, Dorset, said: ‘Bellamy absolutely loves the bin lorry and every Thursday when he hears them, he and Evelyn rush to climb up to my bedroom window to wave and shout hello to them.

‘They always say hi and wave to them both. For Bellamy’s birthday in September, he got a bin lorry from a family member and he took it with us to show the bin men. They loved it and loved how enthusiastic he was with them.’

Recently, Kelly’s children ran to the window to say hello when one of the binmen, Andrew, asked the family to step outside.

Kelly walked Bellamy downstairs to meet the group and saw them holding a brand new orange bin lorry toy.

Kelly said: ‘They said they wanted to surprise the kids for Christmas because they can see how much he loves them and the lorry. It makes their morning seeing them waving each week. It brought tears to my eyes.

‘Bellamy was so excited and just kept shouting ‘bin lorry’ at the top of his voice. They are honestly such lovely, cheery men and it’s so nice that they take the time to wave and say hi to all the kids, not just mine.’

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