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and-Affirmation-of-a-SelfEfficacy-Size-with-regard-to-Breastfeeding-Educators-Function-within-Sri-Lanka-p - Enciclopédia Virtual da Psicolinguística

Currently no ideal alternative exists for heparin for cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Dabigatran is a direct thrombin inhibitor for which a reversal agent exists. The primary end point of the study was to explore whether Dabigatran was an effective anticoagulant for 120 minutes of simulated CPB. The study was designed in 2 sequential steps. Throughout, human blood from healthy donors was used for each experimental step. Initially, increasing concentrations of Dabigatran were added to aliquots of fresh whole blood, and the anticoagulant effect measured using kaolin/tissue factor-activated thromboelastography (rapidTEG). The dynamics of all thromboelastography (TEG) measurements were studied with repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Based on these data, aliquots of blood were treated with high-concentration Dabigatran and placed in a Chandler loop as a simple ex vivo bypass model to assess whether Dabigatran had sufficient anticoagulant effects to maintain blood fluidity for 2 h...